Monday, September 30, 2019

Final Project Draft: Childhood Obesity Essay

Growing up as a child and adolescent in the United States is met with many obstacles including exposure to domestic violence, proper education, lack of proper nutrition and other socioeconomic issues within the family unit. One particular issue that has begun to grow is childhood obesity which can lead to many health and social issues that carry on into adulthood. This epidemic stems partially from genetics but mostly from a combination of things like a lack of tools to educate parents and children on healthier life choices. As this issue reaches a critical point, changes are being set in motion to combat its cause and overall affect. While childhood obesity is not an issue for some parents, they should educate themselves in order to assist their children in making healthier decisions regarding food and physical activity. Making these necessary changes can potentially improve the child’s mental and emotional health and removes certain medical problems later in life resulting in a healthier adult. According to the Mayo Clinic, obesity is defined as having an excessive amount of body fat over what is considered to be healthy. Determining whether a child is obese is determining what is a normal weight for their height and weight. For children and adolescents, obesity is particularly troublesome not only for their health now and in the future but for their self-esteem in their formative years. Self-esteem is so crucial to the development of a young person’s mind, body and soul. It is what helps them to become well-rounded and contributing members of society. Children and adolescents have different body types at all stages of development. Just because a child carries a few extra pounds does not mean they are in any danger of becoming obese or having long-term health problems. With certain ages come different types of developmental changes. Some children have larger body frames that support more body weight. Simply looking at a child is not enough to ascertain if there is a weight problem. For example, during puberty adolescent children do gain weight more rapidly due to an influx of hormones. This type of weight gain is normal as long as the ratio of muscle, bone and body fats are in proportion. Determining whether or not a child has a healthy weight is as simple as calculating body mass index or BMI. Doctors often use this calculation though it can be a little more complicated to determine what is normal for a child. Anyone with children may recall frequent visits to the pediatrician early in the child’s life where the child is measured for height and weight. These numbers are then plotted on a growth chart to determine what percentile that child ranges within. BMI equal to or greater than the 5th percentile and less than the 85th percentile is considered a healthy weight for his or her age (Unknown, 2012). Anything above the 95th percentile is considered obese and at risk for various health-related problems. The averages for boys and girls will differ based on the fact that they develop at different speeds especially during puberty, but it is very important that parents do not jump to conclusion based on appearances and these numbers alone. One must also consider that an athletic child or teen may have more muscle mass which can also increase BMI. The most common contributor to childhood obesity is improper nutrition, food choices, and too little physical activity. Less common but still a factor are some genetic and hormonal disorders. Unfortunately many parents will use the knowledge of these disorders to rationalize a weight issue their child might have. In an age of technology, children and teens spend excess amount of time sedentary playing video games, watching television, using computers, and mobile devices. Commercials on television entice children to eat fast food and drink highly caffeinated, sugary drinks. The choices being made are not in the interest of the health of the child. Most parents spend 40 hours or more at work, leaving the children alone to fend for themselves which is when they make decisions on what to eat, drink and do to entertain themselves. Family history also presents a risk factor for childhood obesity. One might assume that a family with several or more overweight family member will have children in an environment where high-calorie food and drink is always readily available. In these types of households, physical activity is not stressed nor is it encouraged. Some families also inadvertently teach their children to be â€Å"emotional eaters.† The family that relies on the convenience of quick cooking meals is also at risk for overweight children because of high calorie content. Certain socioeconomic factors cause families to rely on these types of foods because it is all they can afford. With childhood obesity comes many complications that can affect a child’s physical, emotional and social well-being. One of the more well-known physical complications is Type 2 diabetes which affects the way a child metabolizes sugar. Usually a simple change in diet and exercise can keep a child from suffering this chronic disorder. A parent may notice that their overweight child seems to be going into puberty sooner than other children which is also another complication of obesity. Carrying around extra weight can cause breathing problems and issue with the development of the child’s lungs which can lead to asthma or even sleep apnea (abnormal breathing during sleep). If a child has a poor diet, he or she may also suffer from high cholesterol and high blood pressure. These factors can eventually lead to a buildup of plaque in the arteries causing a stroke or heart attack later in life. These complications overall are known as â€Å"metabolic syndrome.† This is not a disease in itself but a cluster of problems suffered at once. Beyond the physical issues caused by obesity are the matters of social and emotional complications. Youth is difficult under the best circumstances but contribute being overwe ight and a whole new host of issues present themselves. For example, school-age children tend to tease their overweight peers leading to further bullying and loss of self-esteem. According to research conducted by the Mayo Clinic overweight children tend to have more anxiety and poorer social skills than children with a normal weight. These children may withdraw into themselves or act out and disrupt their classrooms or families. Eventually these issues can lead to the more serious problem of depression which is an overwhelming feeling of sadness and hopelessness. If a parent suspects that their child is suffering from depression, a doctor should be immediately contacted and consulted. Parents play a very meaningful role in the causes and risk factors for childhood obesity. They are the first to make the child feel loved and in control of their own bodies. Sensitivity to a child’s emotional needs and feelings is very important in helping that child develop into a healthy adult. If a parent feels that his or her child is at risk for obesity, the issue needs to be addressed in a kind and considerate manner. Directness and openness are the best method and one cannot be overly critical or judgmental. Lifestyle changes are difficult for a child to make so giving choices makes them more likely to stick to something new. Praising a child’s effort to change will also help boost their self-esteem and keep them going in a positive direction. Some medical issues are brought on by heredity which is to say that people are just â€Å"born with them,† but in the case of childhood obesity, it is a completely preventable problem. As with most issues that affect children and teenagers, home is the first line of defense against future problems. Educating parents and providing them support is an excellent way to ensure that children gain the proper instruction on lifestyle and health choices. Most do not realize that obesity is costly to each state. According to the National Conference of State Legislature, in 2003, annual medical expenses geared towards obesity and its effects were estimated at $75 billion dollars. Starting in 2005, state legislature became very active in considering programs and policies to address the epidemic. One of the most positive changes to occur is schools providing the nutritional content of the food on its menus enabling students to make better choices during breakfast and lunch. This is also being done at chain restaurants nationwide. â€Å"Super sizing† was removed from all menus and alternatives for kids’ meals are part of this change as well. Even some convenience store chains banished their massive fountain drink cups to combat the obesity epidemic among children as well as adults. The battle for the health of children begins with education and monitoring. If parents maintain an open line of communication with their children, they will be privy to the issues affecting them. Childhood obesity is not just a physical or medical issue. It affects the psychological and emotional well-being of the child which follows them all throughout the rest of their lives. Children need the best start possible so parents should always remember to pay attention and lead by example. References John, A. M., Charles, J. G., Stephen, R. D., & Wang, P. (2012). Race, childhood insulin, childhood caloric intake, and class 3 obesity at age 24: 14-year prospective study of schoolgirls. Obesity, 20(3), 597-604. doi: Mooney, B. (2012). Childhood obesity: time to wake up to the facts. World Of Irish Nursing & Midwifery, 20(7), 41-42. Wojcicki, J. M., & Heyman, M. B. (2012). Reducing Childhood Obesity by Eliminating 100% Fruit Juice. American Journal Of Public Health, 102(9), 1630-1633. doi:10.2105/ AJPH. 2012.300719 Willis, T. A., Potrata, B. B., Hunt, C. C., & J. (2012). Training community practitioners to work more effectively with parents to prevent childhood obesity: the impact of HENRY upon Children’s Centres and their staff. Journal Of Human Nutrition & Dietetics, 25(5), 460-468. doi:10.1111/j.1365-277X.2012.01247.x

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Plato V/S Aristotle Philosophies

The questions that were posed: Plato or Aristotle, What are the differences in the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle? Which philosophy might have been the better one to live by in the era? Give examples and details to support your argument. Plato, who was the most famous student of Socrates, thought like Socrates and was not happy with the Athenian society as it was. Plato was even more upset with the Athenian society because they had his teacher put to death; even though it was reported that many of the Athenians were sorry for having done this. Hunt et al, 88) Both Socrates and Plato were republicans. He called democracy â€Å"a charming form of government†. In his dialogue â€Å"The Republic†, Plato is said to be a blue print for a perfect society. In it he talks about justice, statesmanship, ethics and politics. He did not believe that justice could be achieved through democracy. It is democracy that he blamed for the death of his teacher. (90) He wanted the †Å"Republic† to warn the people of Athens that they needed a good education, respect for the law and leaders of their society. He felt there should be a stronger community base; like it was before the wars and the arrival of this democracy. The way people were able to understand what he called â€Å"the truth of the Forms† was how he would rank people in his perfect society. Plato felt that women could rank as high as men since they had the same virtues. He felt that these people could live together in the same barracks area and could have sex to make more enlightened children. Plato felt that society should be run by someone from this communal area. The ones who were the highest in enlightenment would be the ones to govern over the people. They would be called philosopher-kings. In his school that he named the Academy, after Academus or Hecademus, a mythical hero who had a cult following, Plato taught that people are born with knowledge. He said it was not learned after birth. It was only recalled. He said that knowledge is only in the mind. There is supposed to be a higher level that people are supposed to experience over and above that of the senses. This is needed because the senses have a tendency to deceive. There is a need for a higher plane of existence called Forms. These Forms allow the person to better understand the ultimate truth. Aristotle, even though he was taught by Plato had different ideas about how things should go. Aristotle was said to have been the tutor for Alexander the Great. He was also a biologist that was called a polymath, which means he knew much about everything. He too started his own school. It was called Lyceum. He did not believe that there was an Essence or Form. He believed in nothing but the facts. Where Plato said that knowledge was born inside everyone, Aristotle said that knowledge comes from experience. The thought is that Rationalism knowledge comes from experience and Empiricism knowledge (posterior) comes after experience. Aristotle also had a great confidence in sense perception. He felt that there are principles that come from experience. His beliefs would not allow him to believe that there is a world of Forms that transcends time and space. He said that if there were Forms and absolutes they would have to be found in the thing itself. He is best known for his ideas that logic is the way to win an argument rather than being persuasive. To him, looking at things in their natural settings would allow one to find out more about it. Aristotle did not think that women could be equal to men because of his false idea about biology. And he felt that slavery was not a bad thing. Aristotle did not believe that all people had the â€Å"rational part that should rule in a human†. (91) He like Plato did not think it was a good idea for regular people to run the government. He also felt that â€Å"better† people were needed to handle this. (91) According to Aristotle people should be able to train their minds to overcome the impulses that people have. He was not telling people to not do what they felt good doing. He just wanted them to think things through before they did them. The intellect of the human mind should be able to outshine the human will. The mind to Aristotle was the â€Å"god-like† part of the human and it was the part that should and could find the balance needed to keep what you want from ruling your common sense. Plato put the person’s will and self-control in the hands of someone else. Aristotle on the other hand felt that man is in charge of his own destiny and makes the ultimate decision to do something or not. In our society today there is a basis for what Aristotle thought in the way of philosophy. Many in the West value the concept that self-control overrules wantonness. Since the basis for society prewar was in the form of deities and Plato’s school of thought is still seemingly based on a type of deity, maybe the best way for the people of that era to be was more along the lines of Aristotle. His was would cause the people to think more about what they were doing. This may have been the best way for the culture to retain its once prosperous status. This would afford the Athenians the opportunity to rule rather than be ruled. When one accepts the consequences for their own actions and think about what could happen if they do things a certain way, it is less likely that the situation will turn out badly. The parts, of his philosophy, that were not good for that time is the thoughts on slavery and women. This would not promote unity which is what was needed. Works cited Hunt, Lynn, Thomas R. Martin, Barbara H. Rosenwein, Bonnie G. Smith. The Making of the West, Peoples and Culture, A Concise History. 3rd ed. Boston / New York. Bedford / Martin. 2013. Print

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Important Events in Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Important Events in Life - Essay Example I invited Nancy for a date, which she ceremoniously accepted. Thus, last Sunday we enjoyed much of our time in the Great Park, had frequent refreshments and even she shared her time with me in swimming. She was highly accommodative. During the discourse in a restaurant, I came to know she was in need to pay for her ensuing exam and related papers. In a hilarious moment, I asked her if I could help her. She replied, â€Å"No. thanks. I manage†, Around 4 P.M, I wished to swim in the Glaaang Swimming Pool inside the Park. On entering into the GSP, I asked her, â€Å"How about you, NANCY?† She got into the swimming suit in no time. I found her enjoying this part of the date to her maximum joy. When I left the pool in a few minutes, she expressed her wish to be swimming for some more time. I got out and was drying myself, during when I happened to see a small piece of paper resembling a bank statement protruding from her wallet. Immediately I thought of helping her with surp rise. I took a snap in my mobile phone, the front top portion of that bank statement depicting her nickname, bank name, and account number. I was not interested in the transaction details. So, I simply kept it back in her vanity bag and closed by when she returned and asked, â€Å"What Sam, what do you want in my wallet. â€Å"Nothing, I just kept it aside†, I replied. After swimming, we went to a shopping mall and spent about three hours. At about 9 P.M. we were to depart. Just then I asked her a few minutes more for an ice-cream. Although she said okay, she took a few sips of tea only and offered to pay for this ‘final touch’ in her words. She pronounced ‘final’ in a peculiar slang sounding ‘FINALY’ I was happily returning to my hostel. At around 11.30 in a night, I once again thought of helping her and sat on my PC in my room. I simply sent $500 to the bank account via internet banking. Then I forgot everything and my days went on a normal course. Some three days later, one Police Inspector intervened into my reading in the College Library and showed me a photo. â€Å"Do you know this gal, Sam?† In that photo, I saw a girl in full inebriated state. I curtly replied â€Å"No†. â€Å"Had you been dating her last Sunday?† he asked in a highly authoritative tone. â€Å"I had been dating last Sunday, but not with this girl† I replied decisively. â€Å"Sure?† â€Å"Yes, my dated girl was not this. Why sir? What happened?† â€Å"This girl is no more now† I spelled a formal sorrow by saying, â€Å"I see, I am sorry† During this response of me the Inspector almost went into my eyes. â€Å"Ok. Sam, Do you have a laptop?† â€Å"No, I have a PC in my room† â€Å"Well. I get to you back if needed† The Inspector went. The same evening the Inspector turned up to my room in a casual manner and enquired about my study details. â€Å"Oh, this is your P C? Can I send a personal email dear?† I got up leaving the table to him. In a few minutes, the Inspector bid goodbye and went out. Next morning the local newspaper read: One Bobby was suspected to have been murdered by someone in Crown Bar in her over intoxication. The internet transfer of $500 into her account led to a guy of College. He does not fall within the suspicion zone since the log in time of the Internet banking from the PC is exactly the same of her death moment. However, the connection between his lover and Bobby is being probed.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Radio 1 report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Radio 1 report - Essay Example BBC has many local stations in different cities of the UK. Around 40 local radio stations are working in England and Channel Islands under the name of BBC. BBC Radio 1 was established in 1967 with an intention to broadcast popular music and other entertainment activities. The popularity and the rating of Radio 1 were extremely high until recent times. However, the popularity of radio 1 seems to be declining in recent times. â€Å"Radio 1 had 10.87 million listeners in the third quarter of 2008, up from 10.58 million in the third period of 2007. However, listeners tuned in for less time, with a fall in its audience share to 9.8% from a seven-year high of 10.6% the same period last year† (Plunkett, 2008). This paper explains the station policy, play lists, and specific programs that are broadcasted by radio 1. Also, this paper analyses how fully and completely does radio 1 provides access to culture, music and public service inspired ideas specified in its service remit Unlike many other radio stations in the UK, radio 1 works on some unique policies. For example, radio 1 usually conducts roadshows with the DJs and pop stars in order to reach out even distant audience. The direct experiences received from the audiences will be broadcasted from 16:00-19:00 every weekday, with a 15-minute break at 17:45(BBC Radio 1, 2014) There are hundreds of programs broadcasted by Radio 1. A unique program of radio 1 is the breakfast show. It is broadcasting between 6:30 am and 10:00 am, Monday to Friday and is hosted by Nick Grimshaw at present. Dance Anthems, Xtra’s stories, Essential mix, Xtra live, chart shows such as UK singles chart (aired on Sunday afternoons) etc are some of the other popular shows on radio 1 (BBC Radio 1, 2014). Apart from regular shows, radio 1 airs many special shows and events time to time. For example, radio 1 has celebrated its 40

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The nature of FDIs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The nature of FDIs - Essay Example The second commonality mentioned is usually taken to be the more important defining feature of the two. FDI denotes a degree of direct ownership whereas indirect investments are those gaining exposure to enterprises without investing directly such as listed securities, investment funds and derivatives. (Blomstrom and Globerman, 2001) Previously, FDIs referred only to physical investments made by a local company to a foreign setting. Building factories, providing machineries and equipment were considered as FDIs while portfolio investments were considered as an indirect investment. However, the rapid globalization of markets served as an impetus to broaden the definition of FDI to include the lasting ownership of shares of companies and enterprises. As such, joint ventures, alliances where a company provides technological support and licensing of intellectual property and direct acquisition of a firm are now considered to be FDIs. (Sullivan and Sheffrin, 2003) The current requirement is that an international business relationship must be formed between the local entity and the foreign affiliate. Foreign Direct Investors can either be a private or a public entity and may involve an incorporated or unincorporated organization or a lone individual. In any case, the foreign entity should provide the local entity a certain level of control in its management. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), control can come in the form of a 10% ownership as a minimum. In cases where this are not present, the investment made is known as portfolio investment. The ownership implies that the investor is afforded control in the management and decision-making of the enterprise. However, the data from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Economic Development indicate that there are countries where the 10% ownership is treated in a flexible manner to accommodate local legal and business environment circumstances. There are cases where the o wnership is less than 10% but the investor is afforded an effective voice and there are cases where exercise of influence control is not given even if the investor exceeds 10% ownership. FDI Classification According to UNCTAD (2007), FDIs are classified according to certain defined factors. A classification based on the direction of FDI generates two broad types: outward-bound and inward-bound. Outward-bound FDIs are those investments provided by local entities to foreign partners while inward-bound FDIs have local entities as the beneficiary of investments from abroad. FDIs can also be classified according to the nature it is conducted. Vertical Foreign Direct Investments exist when a local entity owns some shares in a foreign enterprise and is using the business arrangement to either generate supplies or be the one supplying. Horizontal Foreign Direct Investment occurs when a local entity, usually a multinational company, establishes a similar business operation in foreign settings. FDIs can also be classified according to its motives. If the FDI was made to explore new opportunities in new markets or strengthen the existing market structure, we have a 'market-seeking FDI'. When the FDI was made because the foreign setting provides resources that are not locally available at the same degree,

Business law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business law - Assignment Example In this context, what LaMance points out is relevant. According to him, a hotel has to take a set of legal measures to avoid liability. If the hotel management fails to take adequate measures to ensure the safety of its guests, then the hotel management would be held liable for its negligent acts. First, the hotel management should be able to anticipate possible safety threats within the hotel environment. If the hotel is really aware of the degree of intensity of criminal acts, it can take adequate safety measures to address those issues. As LakMance proposes, the hotel management can install surveillance cameras or hire more security guards to ensure the safety of guests and their valuables. In addition to anticipating risk factors, the hotel should communicate proper warning to guests to make them aware of the safety threats identified. Finally, hotels have also the responsibility to maintain their properties properly. To illustrate, easy access windows and faulty door locks may s ometimes assist criminals to break into rooms. Hence, the hotel management has to make certain that its properties are managed properly. In the Freda case, there is a possibility to argue that the Gullies Hotel management did not take adequate measures to ensure the safety of the guest’s valuable even though the management has been aware of the theft issues within the hotel environment. However, it must be noted that the Gullies’ management had arranged special facilities at the reception for keeping the valuables of their clients. Despite theft warning and special security facilities, Freda left the hotel leaving cash and expensive jewelries in her room and this negligence resulted in the theft of her valuables. Question 2 The doctrine of precedent is one of the fundamental and oldest features of the English legal system. In addition, it is considered to be the heart of the common law system. â€Å"The doctrine of precedent states that a decision made by a court in o ne case is binding on other courts in later cases involving similar facts† (as qtd in Harris199). The most potential benefit of the doctrine of precedent is that it promotes uniformity within the law. More precisely, it meets the general conception of justice by treating similar cases in the similar manner. The basic concepts of the doctrine of precedent have been well stated and are easy to understand. According to this doctrine, as Harris points out, all courts must adhere to the previous decisions made by superior courts in similar cases. The second rule of the doctrine of precedent sates that current decisions made by courts will be applied to all future cases which have similar facts (199-200). However, law experts argue that this feature may lead to interpretation difficulties for the courts. As discussed already, adherence to precedent is helpful to maintain a system of stable laws, which in turn promotes the predictability of laws and provides individuals with a greate r degree of security. As legal advisors point out, the doctrine of precedent is essential to make certain that laws develop in accordance with changing views of the society only and hence laws clearly reflect morals and expectations of the society as well. Since the doctrine of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Change in Organization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Change in Organization - Assignment Example Changes result in positive and negative consequences simultaneously. On the one hand, changes always have the aim to improve the organization. On the other hand, changes in routine can be negatively perceived by employees because their usual algorithm of work will not be appropriate any more. Changes in decision-making, leadership, manages, strategy or policies can result in the need for restructuring. Leaders need to set new priorities and explain the meaning of the change for all employees to keep them involved in the process and minimize their negative reaction. Many changes are related to enhancing communication inside and outside the organization. Some of them lead to lower barrier in communication between managers and their followers moving the structure of the company from vertical to more horizontal line of management. Finally, any change has its final aim to improve the organization in its internal and external dimensions. Even though some changes are time-consuming, they result in better communication, stronger leadership and better achievements of employees at work. In order to make the process of change successful, one needs to consider the importance of specially trained people who are responsible for the change. Their knowledge and skills are vital to develop a comprehensive change plan that clarifies the resources required by the change. This plan becomes nothing without support from top management; all managers and leaders of the company should be engaged in the change to keep it important and make all employees engaged. Change management needs to be progressive and well-planned; change team needs to consider the risks associated with the change and make everything possible to minimize them. Finally, no change is possible without effective communication between all teams involved in the change. Miscommunication leads to misunderstanding of the strategy and the aims of the change. All people need to be equally

Monday, September 23, 2019

Pointing out the satirical elements of Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker's Essay

Pointing out the satirical elements of Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy - Essay Example While the novel ostensibly takes place in the distant future, it’s clear that a number of the thematic concerns examined in the novel have contemporary relevance. In these regards, theorists and critics have argued that in large part the novel is satirical. This essay considers the novel as one of satire, arguing that through the bulldozer that threatens to demolish Arthur Dent’s house and later Earth, the crooked political Zaphod Beeblebrox, and the threat of the Vogon poetry reading, Douglas Adams satirizes social, political, and literary elements. One of the first satirical elements explored in the novel is the encroachment of development and technology on our daily lives. From the beginning of the novel reference is made to an impending bulldozer that is outside Arthur Dent’s home. The next scene in the novel finds Arthur Dent lying on the ground attempting to stop the bulldozer from demolishing his home. It’s during this time that Ford Prefect appears . He is described as being from, â€Å"somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse† (Adams, pg. 5). Ford is able to convince the bulldozer operator to lay on the ground in place of Arthur Dent, so the two men can go to the pub. While this part of the novel is ostensibly absurd and comedic, it also can be argued to have satirical connotations. In these regards, the bulldozer can be read as the encroachment of development on the sanctity of daily life. Dent becomes emblematic of a perspective that is attempting to hold onto these old world values. From another perspective, the bulldozer can also be read as the encroachment of technology on our daily lives. While during the time of the novel’s construction the internet and social networking weren’t as pervasive, this essay argues that part of the text’s lasting power is its ability to continue to appeal to a contemporary audience. In these regards, the bulldozer encroaching on Arthur’s house can be read a s a metaphor of the technological aspects of the internet and social networking encroaching on our daily lives; the rest of the novel then can be read as a sort of resistance of this technological advancement. The next satirical element concerns the nature of Zaphod Beeblebrox. Beeblebrox is the President of the Imperial Galactic Government. His appearance comes out-of-sync in the storyline and seems to have an underlining purpose. Beeblebrox is giving a fantastical description in the story. He is described as an, â€Å"adventurer, ex-hippy, good timer, manic self-publicist, who is "terribly bad at personal relationships," and "often thought to be completely out to lunch" (Adams, pg. 34). The ruler is described as existing on a deserted island and about to unearth the Heart of Gold to the universe. Heart of Gold appears to be a sort of starship government project that has within it a gold box. In reality, it’s indicated that Zaphod and the Heart of Gold have nefarious intent ions to steal the new starship. This scene is clearly complex and for the most part seems to have a comedic element that advances the narrative. Still, from another perspective it’s clear the Zaphod represents a modern day sort of politician. In these regards, one can consider his description of being on an island as the similarity of a politician being removed from the populace they are designed to help. The name of the Heart of Gold project is also indicative of the sort of social welfare and good intentioned project on might envision from politicians. The name

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Marketing research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Marketing - Research Paper Example The respondents who will be used for this study are convenient subjects. The survey will find respondents who are suitable for the study and they will fill the questionnaires in train stations, shopping malls, and coffee shops. Since most of the knowledge to be collected through the questionnaires is not of a sensitive nature, the questionnaires will be handed out randomly at these places. However, the questionnaires will be anonymous, as will be the responses given on the questionnaires. The research will use a sampling size of approximately 50 respondents since a sampling size under this number may not give enough data in support of the study’s analysis. The sample will range from the ages of 18 to 50. In addition, a larger number may present the study with information that is too broad that may prove difficult to deal with during the analysis stage. The sampling units will be composed of everyday people who use cell phones. Because the questionnaires will be handed out to those willing to take them, the sampling procedures will be randomized where the researcher will randomly select persons from the complete population. By focusing on an age group as diverse as eighteen to fifty, the sample will be representative of those being targeted in the population, which are cell phone users since almost everyone uses cell phones. In addition, because the subjects are chosen through random sampling, the sample is representative of the targeted population (Bradley 33). However, because of the lack of a control group, the internal validity may suffer as a consequence. This is because we are not sure if the manipulation of variables were the only possible reason for the results seen in the dependent variables for the study. External validity may also suffer from the small size of the sample in comparison to total cell phone users (Bradley 34). Finally, because every member of the population has an equal chance of selection, the sample

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Contemporary Views of Leadership Essay Example for Free

Contemporary Views of Leadership Essay Contemporary Views of Leadership Somina Membere University of Phoenix Commonalities and Disparities of Contemporary Views of Leadership In evaluating the various contemporary leadership models, I will start with a definition of leadership within the contemporary context. There have been several definitions, research studies commonalities and disparities about leadership and leadership theories. According to Burns (1978), the father of contemporary leadership thinking, leadership is the leader encouraging the follower to act for the goals that characterize their common beliefs and for the benefit of both follower and leader. According to Wren (1995), the complexity and variation of leadership definition stems from all the variables involved including the leader, the followers and the circumstances. Bass (1985) defines leadership along the lines of transforming followers, by creating visions, goals and the path for followers to the achieving the goals. The brilliance of leadership lies in the ability of the leader to transform him and to act on behalf of the interest of both himself and the follower. Fiedler (1967), simplifies leadership as the direction and coordination of the work of group members. The ways in which a collective group of people are motivated towards achieving their objective (Roach Behling, 1984). However, Burn’s work on transactional and transforming leadership is the Holy Grail from where other contemporary leadership thoughts have evolved. Every definition, acknowledges the relationship, of the three ingredients in the leadership mix; the leader, the follower and the purpose. Other contemporary models have evolved since, including spiritual leadership, situational leadership, contingency leadership, charismatic leadership and eastern leadership. In evaluating contemporary leadership models, I have chosen to explore the commonalities and differences of writings of three views involving spiritual leadership, transforming leadership and contingency models. I will analyze each model within the context of a developing country; particularly Nigeria, where corruption, education and governance are major handicap to development. Spiritual Leadership Spiritual leadership according to  Spiritual Leadership As Intrinsic Motivation  (2013), is â€Å"intrinsically motivating and inspiring workers through hope/faith in a vision of service to key stakeholders and a corporate culture based on  the values of altruistic love to produce a highly motivated, committed and productive workforce† (para. 1). The word spirituality quickly brings religion and its tenets to mind. Crossman (2003), differentiates spirituality from religion as a private experience, and religion as an organized process involving the public, using sacred writings and ceremonials (Crossman, 2003). Within the context of this paper, spirituality transcends religion and any particular religious beliefs and bias, because in general, spirituality is seen by many writers as an intimate and private relationship and experience (Houston Sokolow, 2006, Speck, 2005). According to Speck (2005) it is a matter of ones own heart (pp. 8-12). The law also protects and provides for individuals to practice and define their personal spirituality (Lowery, 2005). There are divergent views for the resurgence of spiritual leadership. Crossman (2003) attributes the resurgence to recent interest to find answers to social ills, the influence of all-inclusive ideas and change in scientific ideas that have influenced society. Cavanagh and Bandsuch (2002), have attributed the resurgence to disclosures by notable public figures about the positive influence of spirituality on their careers. These ideas have motivated other leadership scholars to revisit the subject. Others have found increasing annoyance and displeasure with greediness as the reason for the reemergence of spiritual leadership (Hoppe, 2005). All of the above reasons, point to one singular fact, a displeasure with the leadership status quo and need for new way of thinking about the leadership phenomenon. There appears to be more commonalities in the spiritual leadership discourse than there are disparities. A leadership style aligned with faith and hope draws many sympathizing views. Benefits of spiritual leadership such as improved self-confidence and stress management have been identified by both Crossman (2010) and Fairholm (2003). Every profession, organization and society will benefit from a leadership style that will improve the morale of staff, improve shareholder value and help staff reduce stress. This is of particular benefit to developing countries like Nigeria, where spiritualism is highly revered. Having a system of leadership that the people already believe in, will significantly improve employee morale and productivity for organizations. Other areas where spiritual leadership scholars share identical views, is in the area of the relationship of spiritualism and business. Both Sumner (1959), and Durkheim (1915/1968) share similar view. Sumner states, that because of the difference in purposes between spirituality and business, they have never been successfully associated. Durkheim (1968) stated, â€Å"the sacred and the profane cannot co-exist in the same place† (pp. 344-349). A more graphic representation was by Metcalfe (2008), referring to the relationship as a fearful prospect if spirituality sets up tent with businesses; which he terms as irrational, manipulative and insane. Drawing from their discomfort with the integration of spirituality with business, one is left to question, in which environment and organization, is the leader with spiritual attributes most suited and in what context could it be implemented. Crossman (2003), answers this question by citing several organizations that have incorporated spiritual perspectives into their corporate proclamations. Example include Amway, Pratt, Toms of Maine, Tickler and Ford. Within the context of a developing country such as Nigeria, the spiritual leadership model will be well received. Nigerians perceive everything spiritual with holism and sacredness. It follows therefore, in a country where corruption and governance is rife, a leadership model that is akin to values of faith and hope will attract the followers to the leadership for a common goal. According to Sendjaya, Sarros, and Santora (2008)  Ã¢â‚¬Å"serving others in organizations and the wider society as an act of obedience and gratitude to a higher power† (pp. 404-408). This quality of service, beyond self, is a necessary ingredient for elevating the morale of followers; which  is a desperately needed remedy in the Nigerian context. Transformational Leadership Burns, the father of contemporary leadership thinking, as part his seminal work on leadership, also propagated the now popular transformation and transaction leadership theories. As expected, his work has generated plenty interest and variation. The most popular variation of the transformation leadership theory, is the work by Bass. Burns (1978) and Bass (1985) are different sides of the same coin. Bass (1985) transformational theory was an offshoot of Burns (1978) initial transformation concept. Beyond the initial idea and the similarity in name, little more related the works of both men. Bass’s work was changed from transformation leadership to transformational leadership. To Burns, the difference between transformational and transactional leadership is about what they offer each other. Transformational leaders, he argues, provide a solution that transcends immediate satisfaction, but instead focuses on higher order fundamental needs (Judge Piccolo, 2004). Bass transformational leadership is about the transformation of the follower, in a one-way directional influence, dissimilar to Burns, where through the interaction of leader and follower, the leader also gets transformed (Cuoto, (1993). In the area of usage, Bass’s work was focused in formal organizations i. e. schools, military, businesses whilst Burns leadership research is within politics and social sectors (Cuoto, 1993). In contrast, Burns (1978), researched on the relationship between leaders and followers, within a political environment. Bass’s focus on traditional organizations is an indication that his work is most applicable to corporate organizations, whose objective is profit maximization and value creation for shareholders. According to Cuoto (1993), Bass’s focus was in formal 20th century organizational setting, where profit maximization, management and strategies blend. Both Burns (1978) and Bass (1985), transformational theories could easily be applicable in the context of a developing nation such as Nigeria. Burn’s model will suit a political setting to groom leaders with character and empathy and Bass’s proposal will help transform leadership in a corporate environment, for the maximization of profit and growth. Contemporary Leadership There are two popular contemporary models of leadership that will be analyzed; Fiedler’s contingency theory and Vroom and Yetton’s normative approach. Feiedler’s work is centered around task motivated and relationship motivated leadership styles, while Vroom and Yetton’s work is focused on three decision making styles of leadership; autocratic, consultative and group (Chemers, 1984). However, they both agree that, there is no one best way for leaders to make decisions, rather the characteristics of the situation determines the best approach. This approach is reminiscent of flexibility in the decision making process and the ability to respond to change effectively. Other similarities between Fieldler and Vroom and Yetton, is their identical predictions concerning the effectiveness and efficiency of autocratic and participative decision styles (Chemers, 1984). Interestingly, Bass also contributes to the conversation, regarding decision-making styles in leadership. He identified five decision-making styles called directive, negotiative, consultative, participative, and delegative (Chemers, 1984). Their most notable disparity between these two models of contemporary leadership scholars, is in the area of leadership ability to quickly change their decision styles. The normative model argues, that leaders can quickly change their style to adapt to situational circumstance, whilst Fielder argues that leaders are of a certain type, with well-formed attributes that are difficult to reshape (Chermers, 1984). Conclusion In conclusion, all the contemporary leadership models we have analyzed, bear their roots from the great work by Burns (1978), giving recognition to the follower and exalting the sacrosanct role of the leadership function. The leader he argues, provides a need beyond material and tangible satisfaction which uplifts the follower. In return, the follower responses to every suggestion and direction given by the leader. This dynamics of this leader, follower relationship set the ball rolling for other seminal work in leadership, including Bass (1985), Chermers (1984) and (Avolio Bass, 1995). African countries, such as Nigeria and other third world countries, seriously lack effective leadership, which is effecting economic development (Guest, 2013). A testament to the fact is, the Mo Ibrahim Leadership Award, has only been won three times since its inception seven years ago. We have here, a blue print for tackling most kinds of leadership challenges. Our leaders should lend their ears and eyes to the transformational change and wise counsel of leadership scholars.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effective business communication

Effective business communication Introduction Although there is no universal definition of change, it has been explained in the terms of guises, transformation, metamorphosis, evolution, regeneration (Hughes 2006). Any alternations in the people, structure, or technology of an organization. It is constant yet it varies in degree and directions. It creates threats and opportunities for organizations. Change in the organisation take place for many reasons. It is sometime done in order to have new ways of doing work or organizing work. Noteworthy changes in the organization occur such as when organization wishes to change its strategy on the whole for success, the organization want to change the nature of its operations. The forces of change come through change in organizational strategy, work force, new equipment, employee attitudes, marketplace, government laws, technology, labour market and economical situations. Steps involved in change An organisations culture can be affected by a number of reasons which has been as under; The environment in which the organisation operates. The beliefs, values and norms of the employees within the organization, particularly those communicated by top management. The organisations size, history, ownership and technology also results in change within the organisation. Other factors includes trade unions, media and lifestyle of the people UnFreezing This is the first step that involves disturbing the equilibrium state of the prevailing status quo. This can be done by encouraging the individuals that they should adopt new behaviours and discard the old one (Burnes 2004). Moving According to an article published in the journal by (Burnes 2004), the step or block aims at shifting the behaviours of the individuals as well as the departments where the change is supposed to take place. The moving step aims to develop new behaviours and attitudes of the individuals. Refreezing This step called refreezing the change intended becomes permanent. The new way of organization is established according to (Burnes 2004) through new attitudes and behaviours. While considering the type of changes steps involved in the change is mention below The start of change process involves translating the need of change into a desire of change. The change may start with the formal announcement or it may be less explicit, but in some point it typically involves a review or project. A manager should diagnosis present state identify preferred future state for a better communication .The reviewing of present state help to identify the future challenges. Need/reasons for change In order to survive and prosper in competitive and changing environment, organisations also need to change. This may be brought about many influencing factors which may be internally within the organisation or in external environmental. Internal forces for change arise from internal activities and decisions. If top managers select a goal of rapid company growth, internal actions will have to be made to meet that growth. New department and technologies will be created so organisation will change according to that. What is Communication? Communication is the process of transfer of information. Communication means ways of sharing ideas, news, views, methods and techniques. Communication must involve two parties .It is vital part of almost every job. All companies and organisations demand it. Internal communication system The communication which takes place within the boundaries of the organisation is known as internal communication. (R Blundel k Ippolito 2007). Effective communication is an essential part of smoothly running business organisation. Communication involves the transmission of information from a source (or a number of sources) to receivers. The information is communicated in the form of a message(The times100 2009 1). For example a customer may request a new part from a supplier, with information on how to use that part in a piece of equipment. The supplier will then communicate with the customer setting out instructions for using the part, as well as sending a delivery note, invoice, and further sales literature. Increasingly these interaction will be carried out by electronic media such as through a sales website, e-mail communications and other means. Communication within the organizations is dynamic, two way(transactional) process can be broken into six phases The sender has an idea and want to share it. When sender put the idea in the form of message it means sender encodes it so that receiver can understand easily. Then sender transmits the message through a proper communication channel(spoken or written) and a medium(telephone, letters, email, report or face to face). For communication to occur, the must first get the message. After the transmission of message from the sender receiver gets the message which involves the understanding of message by receiver. Then the receiver decodes the message. The decoded message must be stored in the receivers mind. The receiver sends feedback after decoding the message from the sender, the receiver may respond the some way and signal that to sender. This internal communication process can be shown with the help of the diagram As the above fig shows that the communication process is repeated until both parties finish expressing themselves. Moreover effective internal communication try not to cram too much information into one message. The effectiveness of communications depends on: The clarity of the message. The quality of the medium used to transmit the message. The medium is the means of communicating e.g e-mail, telephone, letter, etc. Any distracting noise that prevent the message from effectively getting through. For example, if the recipient receives lots of email messages, they may fail to give proper attention to the senders message. The ability of the receiver to decode the message. For example, they may not be able to understand the instructions given. Supports of communication Verbal communication It is the spoken, oral, and unwritten way of communicating(Personal growth 2009 1). Non verbal communication Transmission of messages by a medium other than speech or writing(Business dictionary 2009 2).There are so many supports that can be taken for effective internal communication which mainly include Electronic mail This has rapidly become the most common form of written communication within the organization. It is the most easy and quick way of communication within the organization. Company websites A companys website will typically involve a portal or a section dedicated to internal communication with and between employees. Company databases In most of the large organisations including banks like Barclays employees will be able to access a number of company databases to communicate internally. Meeting Meetings is the also the most effective support to communicate effectively within the organizations. It can be formal or informal. In manufacturing companies like toyata teams of employees regurlarly meet to discuss issues like quality. Phone communication Phone communications are another important form of oral communication with most large companies having a lowcost internal telephone system. Internal memos, Voice mail, instant messaging, Faxing An internal memo can be send by email to communicate with the employees within the organisation. Staff magazine, reports, notices and posters on staff boards provide other means of internal communication. Voice mails, instant messaging and faxing are also be used as supports for communication Impact of change on communication The change plays a vital role on the communication process. Communication calls change and change calls challenges like competition, globalization and technology. During the change process if communication goes wrong it can create huge impact on the organizations future. The impact of change can be positive or negative. Change can be of any type for example organization changing its policies or organization introduces new technology within the organization .There should be a proper communication as a result of any kind of change through a proper channel and support. In times of change, employee communication is vital to successful organizations. Let suppose if an organization want to change their technology then they should communicate and inform their employees so that they understand the change and adopt that change by the help of proper communication. Wrong communication like solider died in afghan calling wrong name, in place of doing right hand side operation doing left hand sid e can results in serious problems. Handle of communication at each level Communication among the employees of the organization is a essential for effective function. Organizational decisions are usually made at top and flow down to the people who carry them out. From top to bottom each person should understand, apply and pass it. For each and every level of organizational change top managers, middle managers and first line managers should co-ordinate whole work efficiently and effectively with the other employees. Top management should act as planner, leader, communicator and organizer. The lower level employees can help top level management by giving accurate, timely reports on problems, emerging trends, opportunities for improvement and performance. The formal communication network within the organization is shown below Obstacle or Barrier in the context of change No matter how good the communication system in an organisation is, unfortunately barriers or obstacles can and do often occur. This may be caused by a number of factors which can usually be summarised as being due to physical barriers, system design faults or additional barriers. Language Barrier Different languages, vocabulary, accent represents regional barriers. Words having similar pronunciation but multiple meanings. The use of difficult words poorly explained or misunderstood messages can result as a communication obstacle(E z articles 2009 1). Cultural Barrier Age, education, gender, social status, economic position, cultural background, religion, political belief, ethics, values, assumptions, aspirations, rules or regulations, standards, priorities can separate one person from another and create a communication obstacle. Individual Barrier It may be a result of an individuals perceptual and personal discomfort. Even when two persons have experienced the same event their mental perception may/may not be identical which acts as a barrier. Style, selective perception, halo effect, poor attention and close mindedness, insufficient filtration are the Individual or Psychological barrier. Organizational Barrier It includes Poor Organizations culture, climate, regulations, status, relationship, complexity, inadequate facilities, opportunities of growth and improvement. whereas, the nature of the internal and external environment like large working areas physically separated from others, poor lightening, staff shortage, outdated equipments and background noise are Physical Organizational Barrier. Interpersonal Barrier Barriers from Employers includes lack of Trust in employees, lack of Knowledge of non-verbal clues like facial expression, body language, gestures, postures, eye contact; different experiences, shortage of time for employees, no consideration for employee needs, wish to capture authority. While Barriers from Employees includes Lack of Motivation, lack of co-operation, trust, fear of penalty and poor relationship with the employer (Know 2009 2). Channel Barrier If the length of the communication is long, or the medium selected is inappropriate, the communication might break up; it can also be a result of the inter-personal conflicts between 1- 2- the sender and receiver; lack of interest to communicate; information sharing or access problems which can hamper the channel and affect the clarity, accuracy and effectiveness of communication. Dealing with an international team When we communicate with the people of our own culture we can communicate effectively. But if we are working in an international organization we have to communicate with the employees from different background and nationalities so there will be lots of challegenes that can be met while communicating with the international team which are mentioned below Cultural Challenges Culture strongly affects communication and a big challenge while dealing with the international team. For example when we want to communicate we encode message using the assumption of our own culture while the receiver will decodes the message using assumptions of his/her own culture so meaning may be misunderstood. The greater the difference in culture greater is the chance of misunderstanding. The other type of cultural differences are Contextual differences From culture to culture people convey contextual meaning differently. In high context culture people such as south Korea Taiwan rely on more on the non verbal actions and environmental setting to convey their message. In low context culture people like united states and Germany rely more on verbal communication. Contextual differences affect the way cultures approach situations such as decisions making, problem solving and negotiating. Legal and ethical differences Legal and ethical behaviour is also influenced by cultural context. For example, people from the low context culture value the written word, they consider written agreements and tend to adhere to laws strictly. But the high context people less emphasis on the written words. Social differences In any culture rules may be formal or informal. Formal rules are specifically taught dos and donts of how to behave in a common social situations. Informal rules deals with how males and females are supposed to behave. In some countries like india, Pakistan and Bangladesh women are not taken seriously as business people. But in the western countries women treated equally in business places. Culture also tell how people show respect and signify rank. For example in united states people respect top managers as Mr Bush or Mr Andrew but in countries like china show respect by using official title like President or Managers. Non verbal differences Non verbal difference is also another type of cultural challenge while dealing with the international team. People in Canada and united state usually take five feet gap during business conversation as compared to the people in countries like Arab, Germany and Japan feel uncomfortable while keeping this distance. Recommendations Managers act like a pillars for any organization. As mention above that the change in any organization can create threats and opportunities for the organization. Managers should plan a proper strategy of communication in the context of change. The strategy should include; Considering the likely effects of change and and planning for it well in advance. Adapting a flexible, democratic management style even though this may be within a formal organisational structure, in order to create a climate where change is easier to achieve. Motivate employees by understanding nature and perception. Tell their employees reasons and the benefits of change after the change process. Recognization of cultural variation in communication style. Manage disputes at each level. Manage problems of each employee like stress, depression, relationship, personal issues and differences. Identify clearer gaols and targets so That every ones knows what is to achieve and time scale involved. Training and retraining and new work. Monitor and review progress to regularly access progress towards goals and identify and overcome any difficulties. Manager should act like a communicator, planner, leader, motivator and controller. Bibliography Adler, R.B (2006) Communicating at Work, (8th Edition) McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages Hughes M(2006) Change management A critical perspective. Chartered institute of personal and development. ISBN 1-84398-070-3 References Bernard Burnes Managing change 4th Edition prentice hall Burnes, B. (2004). Kurt Lewins and the Planned Approach to Change: A Re-appraisal. Journal of Management Studies. Vol.41, No.6 Higgs, M. Rowland, D. (2005). Exploring Approaches to Change and its Leadership. Journal of Change Management. Vol.5, No.2. John V Thill and Courtland Bovee (2002). Excellence in Business communication 8th Edition Pearson International Edition. John Hayes (2006). The theory and practise of change Management. 6th Edition London :Prentice Hall p233. Richard R L Daft (2005) Management 6th edition. R Blundel K Ippolito (2007) Effective business communication 2nd Edition Prentice Hall p13. Barriers to communication(2008). Available: Last accessed 14 Dec. (2008). Non Verbal Communication(2009).Available: Last accessed 11 Dec. Obstacles to business communication (2009).Available: Last accessed 12 Dec. Personal growth(2006).Available : communication.html. Last accessed 10 Dec. Working Together To Business Communication(2008).. Available: Last accessed 11 Dec.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Revolution in Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel :: Like Water for Chocolate

Revolution in Like Water for Chocolate Revolutions throughout the history of humankind have established change of traditions as the normal occurrence throughout our history. Revolutions in households can also occur when traditions that are contrary to the desires of one, interfere with the values of another. In the book "Like Water for Chocolate," a major revolution develops between mother and daughter, Mama Elena and Tita. Like most revolutions, traditions are the major factor in the revolution that happens between these two; Tradition states that the youngest daughter must not marry, but must take care of the mother until she dies. Nevertheless, when a young man decides to ask for Tita's hand in marriage, Mama Elena flat out refuses to hear any more about the subject. She says to Tita on page 10, "If he intends to ask for your hand, tell him not to bother . . ." Then Tita realizes the hopelessness of her situation and from that moment on she swore "to protest her mother's ruling" (11). The revolution continues to build until finally after many years of torment by her mother, Tita leaves the family ranch. Then after awhile, when Mama Elena becomes paralyzed by bandits, Tita feels compelled to return to the ranch and care for her mother. In returning Tita felt that her return humiliated her mother because how cruelly she had treated her daughter in the past (130). When Tita had made dinner for her mother, Mama Elena brutally rejected her kindness. Tita could not understand why her mother treated her cruelly, "she didn't understand Mama Elena's attitude . . . It was beyond her comprehension that one person, whatever her relationship with another, could reject the kind gesture in such a brutal manner . . ." (130-131). After all that they had gone through, Tita thought at least some things had changed. Of course nothing had changed because Mama Elena saw her daughter as she saw her self many years before. But after her mother's death Tita was enlightened when see discovered her mother's love letters from José, her mother's only true love (137). As Tita read her mothers letters, she discovered the reason behind her mother's personality, both psychologically and emotionally. "José was the love of her life. She hadn't been allowed to marry him because he had Negro blood in his veins .

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Lifespan Development Essay -- Sociology Life Span Developing Essays

Lifespan Development   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Going back forty-five years is not an easy task to complete because I can’t remember some of the finer details of my childhood. I know I was born on a hot August afternoon in Birth Year at Place Of Birth in City ands State. My mother was just twenty-two at the time and was already the mother of two, I was her third child. My father was twenty-one and already a workaholic, I know because my mother would constantly remind me not to be like that. My mother and father were good parents and they tried to give us the best upbringing they could. My father was the kind of person that believed he should provide and protect his family, and he did a very good job of doing that. During my pre adolescent years, as best as I can recall, my mother was the driving influence behind my development. She is a good person and a mother with an iron will and a strict way, and I believe that she was one of my first role models. My father played a part in my development also. He instilled in me the morals and values that I have today and I thank him for that. Unfortunately my father passed away thirteen years ago before I had a chance to tell him that. My brother and sister were influences as well. I have always looked up to my older brother because he was so independent and free as we were growing up. He would always take time and play with me and teach me things, he was the person that actually taught me how to write my name in cursive the first time. My sister...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

September Eleventh: The New Tragedy Essay -- History Historical Terror

September Eleventh: The New Tragedy History is written from the tragedies that occur through time. Wars, plagues, famines, and economic crises punctuate references in history books. We refer to time in pre and post event terms, and how our thinking has changed since the occurrence. We measure our lives in relation to deep sorrow that causes us to reconsider our self worth and the lives we lead. There have been several of these happenings in this century, pre world war I, post world war I, the depression era, post world war II, the Cold War, the post cold war, and now we have post September 11th. A new tragedy has been identified as a cause for us to reconsider our place in the world. This new tragedy is distinctive because it took place on U.S. territory and nowhere else. It has global effects, but this tragedy is the United States’ own to grapple with. The reason for this lies in the nature of the attack. The dictionary definition of terrorism is the state of intense fear, or the act of inflicting or inspiring fear. This new word fills our t.v.screens our conversations and affects our everyday coming and going. History will look upon the terrorists’ events of September 11th as a pivotal point in our country’s direction of growth. The United States has entered the real world of terrorism. Although we have long been apart of the international community, we have been sheltered and overconfident in our belief that we are impenetrable. We have falsely believed that terrorism is a problem for someone else’s country; no one would dare attack us. That belief has been shattered. We now face a new perspective on the rest of the world and on ourselves. It is a very personal attack in the sense that the Unite... ...oes not induce such anger and resentment so as to act irrationally. Terrorism has immeasurable effects on people. Fear is something that cannot be measured quantitatively. It can lead to many psychological behaviors that affect the way we look at the world. Will fighting terrorism reduce our civil liberties and the things that make us who we are? Do we have the possibility of loosing our identity because of the fear? If that is the case, terrorism has succeeded and it really won’t matter how many bombs we drop or how many leaders we kill that are linked to terrorist organizations. We will have become so entrapped by our fears we will be immobile and incapable of being who we are. So we come to a point in the our history that we must choose which direction we will take to deal with this and the story will go on until a new punctuation occurs.

DDT and Pesticides Directions

American School of Guatemala Secondary SectionDate: 08/31/2012 APESTrimester 1 Activity # 1- DDT and Pesticides Directions: read carefully each statement and answer it. Watch the following video – DDT and Pesticides, and write a short reflection paragraph about the topic. If you want to see again this video, you can find it on the following direction. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=LQ64sV0nSVU This video shows how DDT was used in the world to help humans. Later on people started to notice that this pesticide was very strong that was able to kill plagues and insects rapidly that they started using DDT even more.Even though it was helpful in some way it was also harmful. It was harmful because it had a chemical that was not bonding and was the one that made the harmful changes like in frogs that had 5 legs and in humans the harm that was caused was that it created cancer and mutations on people like the boy that was born without eyes. DDT may change in a way some peopleâ€⠄¢s life but it really affects humans and their genes. Go to the following address and watch Biocides: Rachel Carson. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=vbtp2B-IFmw. Go to the following address and DDT: Weapon Against Disease – Documentary Film (1945) http://www. outube. com/watch? v=RmeqHs4svbQ and write a short paragraph for the most important aspects covered on the video. In the video above it shows the creation of DDT. This particular product is characterized by a white insecticide and was formulated in many forms, it tells that DDT is taseless and almost odourless. It was first created in 1874 and used with great success during World War II in order to control malaria and thyphus within civilians and U. S troops. DDt was also used in agricultural insecticide and later its production. It shows how people were taking advantage of DDT without knowing the harm it would cause.On the following address http://www. naturalnews. com/DDT. html you would be find some articles about DDT and its relation with human health. Choose two articles, read it write a short paragraph. Study shows DDT to be toxic to nervous systems of babies: This article talks about how Africa used DDT to fight malaria spread by mosquitos. It tells how a link between chemicals and the development delays in infants that were in utero when their mother were exposed. An important fact is that despite that DDT was transferred by breast milk, children who were breast feeding developed more normally even though the mother had high levels of DDT.It proves that it is not clear that DDT has ever killed anyone but they are still investigating DDT ‘s effects on humans. High levels of DDT still present in fish: Waters in the U. S still possess high levels of DDT contamination. This shows that the pesticide is still found with high levels in fish caught near Los Angeles area. It is also told that it’s associated with increase risk of liver cancer, and affect the human reproductive and ne rvous systems, and toxic to many animals, specially aquatic life. All this means that the amount of DDT in fish has not decreased by the last years.It concludes with how many companies have released a large quantity of DDT in water systems. On the following address http://www. epa. gov/aboutepa/history/topics/ddt/01. html you would be find some articles about DDT and its relation with human health. Choose two articles, read it write a short paragraph (Just Read) A sweet relaxing time for you on this weekend, if you like the video games go to the following direction and play it. Write your score. http://www. mofunzone. com/online_games/pest_attack. shtml 7,500 Vocabulary: write the definitions. Bioaccumulation:The accumulation of a substance, such as toxic chemical, in various tissues of a living organism. Takes place within an organism when the rate of intake of a substance is greater than the rate of excretion or metabolic transformation of that substance. Biomagnification: The inc reasing concentration of a substance, such as a toxic chemical, in the tissues of organisms at successively higher levels in a food chain, As a result of biomagnification, organisms at the top of the food chain generally suffer great harm from a persistent toxin or pollutant than those at lower levels Example of the DDT on food chain

Monday, September 16, 2019

Examine the management opportunities and challenges associated with the use Of a named global vegetation system

The global vegetation system that I am going to be using is the tropical rain forest. Tropical rain forests (TRF) are usually found along or near the equator. These are equatorial climates and inn these climates there are no seasons. The TRF has a very large range of species. There are a lot of tropical hardwoods here, such as mahogany, Oak, Ipe and many more. The direct use for people is to burn the wood that they cut down from the tropical rainforests. An indirect use would be to sell the wood on. There are three scales of how humans affect the TRF, small scale is shifting cultivation, on a medium scale there would be plantations and on a large scale the is deforestation. Equally there are challenges caused as a consequence of how we use it. There a number of environmental challenges that humans face. Firstly the climate here, it is hot wet and humid. These conditions make it hard for humans to live there. There can also be disease here, and pests such as spiders, snakes etc. These become a physical challenge for people to over come. The surface of the TRF can become very swampy in places, this means that it can be very hard for people to move around in the TRF. The density of the TRF is immense, it is incredible difficult for people to get into and to move about in there. Shifting cultivation has opportunities for local people. These local people will use the slash/burn method for making a clearing, here they will grow some crops (usually yams). They have hunters/gatherers who will go out and get food from the area surrounding the clearing they have made. They will live in this clearing for around 4 years, by this time the nutrients start to become depleted, this is one of the challenges that they face. Now they have to move several kilometres away and make sure that they are not in the area where they sent their hunters/gatherers. The clearing that they left will start to grow back. These people have now become part of the eco system and are challenging to become the top carnivores. The population has started to explode in these places and has significantly increased. This practise how now become less viable and there is now less opportunities for the clearings to re grow and therefore there is going to be more and more clearings made in the TRF and they wont be getting the chance to grow back. This is one of the big challenges that they will now face. Plantations are on a medium to large scale of how humans will affect the TRF. Plantations are set up by colonies (MEDC's), and multi national companies. They aim to grow the same crop over large areas of land that would have naturally grown there any way such as tea, coffee, rubber etc. A very large area has got to be cleared so that the plantations can operate. The opportunities for a plantation are huge. They can use the plantation all year round due to the climate being ideal (hot, wet, humid) and there being no seasons. They are able to exploit the forest and use it economically by selling off the crops that they produce. And as they produce a large amount they will make big profits. One big challenge that plantations face is the fact that the diversity of species has been replaced and is now a mono culture. Where there was once area of many species, they are now dominated by single crops on large areas of land. Pests and disease in a TRF are controlled, but in a plantation all the plants are the same so if a disease gets in there all the plants are going to be infected. Also the nutrient cycle is going to be affected by plantations. Growing the same crop over and over again uses the same nutrients and we get soil depletion. Plantations are a manipulation of the eco system. Deforestation has a phenomenal affect on the TFF. The tropical hardwoods have a big demand around the world and this is where they get them. They generate good income for the people who are selling them. The demand for these woods leads to a devastating affect on the TRF. The diversity of species inside the TRF is phenomenal, and this causes a big problem. In 1sqkm there may only be one mahogany tree, if this is the tree that is needed the people are not able to just go and get that one. The forest is so dense they have to pull down all the trees in that area to get to that one. This is mass clearance and has a devastating affect on the TRF. When a tree is chopped down it is going to wipe out a lot of trees in the process. As an affect of this deforestation there is going to be soil erosion. When the trees get pulled down the soil is left exposed to the elements. Afforestation is a process, which should take place after deforestation happens. This is where trees are re planted. To conclude what I have written, there is always going to be management opportunities in a tropical rain forest whether it is on a small scale or on a large scale. The affects that these opportunities have on the tropical rainforest varies. On one hand the affects can be minor as in the local moving land in shifting cultivation due to soil depletion. But the affects can also be devastating, as in deforestation where there is mass clearance and an area of the tropical rain forest is destroyed. So there are opportunities but they can come at a big cost to the environment.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Letter of recom

He has been a student In the â€Å"Computer networks† and laboratory sessions In â€Å"Computer networks and case tools† and â€Å"Network programming† during the IT program at EWES college. I have worked with many students having essential knowledge In Information technology. Every year I notice that a few outstanding students offer a unique perspective and really embrace their learning of the subject matter. Mr.. EX. has consistently shown such a strong desire in practical subjects to learn, that I simply loud not turn down his request for recommendation.At numerous occasions, he would contact me after the class and try to understand logics behind various programming. Also, he contributed astutely to class-room discussions that proved his intellectual might. He asked most penetrating questions about the subject being discussed and explicated his ideas with effortless impromptu grace. During discussion of case studies, he was highly effectual in applying the cou rse material In analyzing the problem situations. He explained his views very concisely, clear and coaxing. He performed good leadership skills when Involved In group project.During several team case studies, he took charge of the team and he was aware of strengths and limitations of his team members and assigned task accordingly. He Is very well liked and respected by both peers and his professors. He continues to impress me with his knowledge, skill and dedication to his work. I'm sure you will find him to be a student whose talents will only shine further through your graduate program. It is my sincere hope that you will accept his application to your university with financial assistance.Please feel free to contact me if you require further information. Yours truly, proof. BBC Head of Department, Information Technology, EWES college. Letter of recon By Cahill-Guava student in the â€Å"Computer networks† and laboratory sessions in â€Å"Computer networks have worked with many students having essential knowledge in information discussion of case studies, he was highly effectual in applying the course material in coaxing. He performed good leadership skills when involved in group project. During and limitations of his team members and assigned task accordingly.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sun Tzu Strategic Management

Sun Assignment 2. Strategic Management . School of Strategy. According to Synder and Neil H. (1982) in their journal called ‘Strategic Management Journal’ , The school of strategy definition of strategic planning that are offered by Henry Mintzberg in 1981 concludes that strategic planning is a process involving all components of planning that integrated decision making, structured procedure with articulate results, and specific tactical objectives that should be seen as a whole process. In the school of strategy, there are 10 school of thought, it is divided into two parts which are prescriptive and descriptive.The details of the strategy are shown below. Prescriptive schools : consist of 3 schools which are Design, Planning and Positioning. Descriptive schools : consist of 7 schools which are Entrepreneurial, Cognitive, Learning, Power, Cultural, Environmental and Configuration. Also, Written in article called â€Å" An Overview of Strategy Development Models and the Ward-RIvani Model’ by Dr. David Ward (2005). In year 1977 another guy came along which a set of strategy alongside Mitzberg that called Whittington.He claimed that there are four criteria that will determine a strategy success which are Deterministic or Emergent, Single Goal or Pluralistic, Strategy Style, and Influences. The Link between Prescriptive schools and Descriptive schools. From what i understand from both of this schools, prescriptive schools are the first step of strategy that needed to be done If we would like to do something. For example, If you want to open your own business, the first step would be the prescriptive school where you need to design what kind of business you would like to do, plan how to do your business (business plan) nd also how you position your business(where do you want your business to be). In the other hand , Descriptive schools of strategies are the strategies and skills that are needed to bring forward you prescriptive schools . Where a ll components of this strategy can effect your business. For example, any successful business need to have a leader who can lead the organization forward where what has been designed, plan , and positioned and to be a leader, strategy as entrepreneurship is essential. The Differences between Prescriptive schools and Descriptive schools.In Prescriptive schools, design and planning are the aim of a company â€Å" to fit organizational capability with environmental ability and to best allocate resources to achieve any chosen goals within a specific timeframe† and to make the aim a success, a proper positioning strategy needed to be done. All of theses examples often using strategies such as environmental analysis such as SWOT analysis (design), forecasting (planning), Market segment & five forces (positioning). Therefore, we would understand here that prescriptive schools are used to understand more about the market.For instance, in strategic management, prescriptive schools are often used to determine who is your target market, understanding your competitors, defining your opportunities, and also what kind of strategy that our company would like to execute properly to gain competitive advantage especially if you are doing business globally or growing your business internationally. In the other hand, Descriptive Schools are more of all the things that needed to be in order within a company or organisation to execute the strategy that has been choose.For example, even with a proper planning but without a proper team to execute it, it will be hard for any business to sustain even in the early stage while making business. Its consist of leader needed, networking we have, culture reflects , economic cycle, environmental circumtances, ethics , and also cognitive psychology. Which means that, in descriptive schools , it is all the components that a company or firm need to have in order to execute any strategy perfectly. How to Profeciently Execute any strategy w hen we already understand about the schools of strategy?In the world business nowadays, understanding the theoretical area of a strategy such as schools of strategy would not be enough to execute a perfect strategy. As had been stated by Gamble and Arthur (2009) in their book called ‘ Essentials of Strategic Management’ , They have stated that there are three elements that needed to be have in order to execute any strategy. The elements are shown below : Human Capital – Intangible assets such as skills, knowledge, and values that are required by the strategy. . Information Capital – Intangible assets such as the systems, databases, and networks that support the strategy. 3. Organizational Capital – Strategy supportive intangible assets such as leadership, alignment of goals, and teamwork. Whittington’s Classification of Strategic Perspective. According to Whittington(2002), in his book called ‘ What is Strategy and Does it Matterâ€℠¢ , increasing profits is the highest goal of business and rational planning needed if we want to attain it.Meanwhile, the strategic aim in business would be earning a return on capital, and if in any particular case the return in the long run is not enough, the deficiency should be corrected or the activity should be abandoned. To sum up the idea of whittington : Classical Approach of strategy. – a classical approach to any strategy requires that the manager must be ready and capable of adopting profit maximizing strategies through long term planning. Besides that there are three more example of approach that are shown below : Evolutionaty Approach of strategy. oes not rely on top management skill to plan and act rationally. Instead, it will all depend on the markets which will determine the profit maximization. Also, in evolutionary perspective, the best selected strategy will determine the performance of the company. Processual Approach to strategy. Organizations and marke ts are wrought with confusion and mess. Therefore, the best Processual method is not strive for the ideal, instead, it needed to work with the reality offers where micro-political view has implied that firms are not united towards a single goal such as profit.Besides that, it will be up on the number of individuals with different interest and bring them to the organization. The main strategy for this approach is to simplify all the complex processes. Systemic Approach on Strategy. – The theorist for this approach believe that the organization is capable of planning and acting effectively. All the social factors such as family, state, and religion influences the means and ends of a systemic approach and will define what is the suitable behavior for each of their members.In this approach, the organization are not just made up by an individuals but of social groups with interests. For instance, class and professions, nations and states, families and gender can be determine as th e systemic variables. Hence, the strategy will depends on the social environment of the firm. Based on four approach on strategy by Whittington, these four theories of action in business will offer us an insight into the motivation behind any companies vision and what are the strategies that the companies would like to implement in order to gain competitive advantage in their market.Reference List : Ward, . (2005). An Overview of Strategy Development Models and the Ward-Rivani Model . . 1 (1), pg12-16. Gamble, Arthur,. (2009). Superior Strategy Execution – Another path of competitive advantage. In: Griffin, L. Essential of Strategic Management. America, New York: McGraw-Hill. pg116-136. Synder, Neil H.. (1982). Research Notes and Communications.. Strategic Management Journa. 3 (3), p265-267. Whittington, Richard (2002). What is Strategy- and Does it Matter?. UK: Thomson Learning. pg29-57.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Organizing an Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Organizing an - Essay Example Development, in this case, means the presentation of ideas. Grammar, word choice, vocabulary, and tone of voice dictate how an idea is presented. The effects of a poorly presented idea are irreparable. The development of writing skills can be broken down into four elements. The most important element that dictates a successful piece of writing is the composition of ideas. In the first essay, ideas were mixed up. There was neither flow nor fluency, though the idea was visible. I learned that the reader has to understand the idea through the writing. In addition, it was made clear to me by my instructor that whatever is in the mind during writing is only visible to the writer. Therefore, the writer has to bring out whatever is in the mind in a succinct manner for it to be visible to the reader. Sufficient progress was visible after I learned how to organize ideas in a way that the reader could understand whatever was in my mind. Firstly, I learned how to understand the context of the issue at hand. After understanding the context, the second step was to brainstorm the relevant ideas to come-up with a comprehensive arrangement of ideas. Information ought to be arranged in an order that makes the reader interested in reading the entire piece. Much progress was made in this section. I learned how to arrange an essay beginning with the thesis statement to notify the reader on the context of the piece. Good grades were sufficient evidence that the instructor was content with the essays from how well I presented the thesis statement. In addition, it was evident that a well-structured conclusion gave the instructor an idea of my opinion about the issue at hand. Therefore, significant progress was made on how to organize writing to represent my mind successfully. Paraphrasing was the main element of writing achieved.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Education Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Education Management - Essay Example N., J.J. Van Muijen, and P. Koopman, 2003, 19-34). Therefore, the recent adding of NME raises lawful questions concerning the underlying principle or require for this new field. One strength quarrels that all management is basically the similar and consequently that nonprofit executive should take MBA and other time-tested management amounts. Strategic View of This Activity Strategy Management of manufacturing enterprise engrosses the harmonization of human attempt and fabric resources toward the attainment of organizational objectives. Furthermore, the essential objectives of manufacturing associations in any country are financial in natural world, and in the end reflect the requirements of civilization for useful goods and armed forces (Dalal, N.P., Quible, A., & Wyatt, K, 2002, 607-621). This is true whether the venture is a confidential business attempting to attain a desired height of profitability, or a community entity attempt to fulfill a manufacture plan recognized by condition establishment. In the final psychoanalysis, all manufacturing enterprise are social organization, and their continued existence is in a straight line connected to their aptitude to give useful goods and services, regardless of whether these merchandise and armed forces are inspired by other associations, the administration, or the community at great (Drucker P. F, 2001, 88-93). According to the expert analysis the basic difficulty of engineering management, from society's end of view, is to turn out to be steadily additional efficient over occasion. Growing productive competence is usually careful a desirable goal for executives in most civilizations. No doubt, in fact, rising productive competence may be regard as the basic... From this discussion it is clear that  management of manufacturing enterprise engrosses the harmonization of human attempt and fabric resources toward the attainment of organizational objectives. Furthermore, the essential objectives of manufacturing associations in any country are financial in natural world, and in the end reflect the requirements of civilization for useful goods and armed forces. This is true whether the venture is a confidential business attempting to attain a desired height of profitability, or a community entity attempt to fulfill a manufacture plan recognized by condition establishment. In the final psychoanalysis, all manufacturing enterprise are social organization, and their continued existence is in a straight line connected to their aptitude to give useful goods and services, regardless of whether these merchandise and armed forces are inspired by other associations, the administration, or the community at great.As the paper highlights  some kind of ed ucation passes on some information. But it is the type and deepness of information and skill imparted from side to side teaching and preparation that are vital in connection with the excellence of managerial presentation. In this study we are paying attention not merely in the only quantitative aspect of Soviet teaching and training that narrate to management progress, but also in the excellence and satisfied of them.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

A quel point la perscution des minorits refltait-elle la volont des Essay - 1

A quel point la perscution des minorits refltait-elle la volont des forces doccupation et quel point refltait-elle des tendances au sein de la socit franaise elle-mme - Essay Example t de la droite politique blà ¢mà © [certains politiciens] pour la « excà ¨s  »de Vichy ».1 Pendant ce temps, Vichy a luttà © pour maintenir son appel mà ©tropolitaines, mais il a à ©tà © aux prises avec les problà ¨mes sociaux qui ont de persà ©cuter un segment de la socià ©tà © franà §aise. La zone non occupà ©e de la [France] et lassistance nà ©cessaires administration à ©conomique.2 Il y avait des problà ¨mes majeurs. Les deux Franà §ais et Britanniques ont combattu pour lindà ©pendance de la France. "Dans la campagne de 1940 les Franà §ais se sont battus courageusement, mais ... [l]es Britanniques ont combattu beaucoup plus obstinà ©ment ... ».3 Pour donner un peu de contexte, lAllemagne avait acquis une partie de la France qui a à ©tà © envahie par les gens.  «En occupant la moitià © nord du pays et toute la cà ´te Atlantique, lAllemagne sest approprià © le partie la plus riche et le plus peuplà © de la France mà ©tropolitaine ».4 En raison de loppression de son peuple, la rà ©putation de Vichy est à   jamais ternie. "Lhistoire de Vichy, en cette epoque, abonde en pareils trompe-lÅ“il ».5 À la dà ©fense du peuple juif, les combats ont à   lEst. "Par consà ©quent, au cours de la plupart des annà ©es de combats sur le front de lEst (oà ¹ la majeure partie de larmà ©e allemande a à ©tà © engagà ©), les conditions sont devenues de plus en plus semblables à   celles sur le front occidental dans la Premià ¨re Guerre mondiale ».6 Il semblait que beaucoup de gens mà ©prisaient les Juifs, cà ©tait un sentiment populaire et à   la mode dà ©pouser à   là ©poque. "Mà ªme aprà ¨s la guerre, Xavier Vallat revendiquà ©e, avec quelque raison, que lanti-sà ©mitisme de Vichy avait rà ©flà ©chi volontà © populaire. Dans les registres tenus par ladministration franà §aise au cours de 1940-1944 il ya des signes à ©vidents de lantipathie populaire pour les Juifs, en particulier pour les rà © fugià ©s juifs à ©trangers ... ... rà ©pandre sur les Juifs dorigine franà §aise ainsi  ».7 Pendant ce temps, le cerveau se cache derrià ¨re la

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Business FinanceEconomic Term Paper & Topics Assignment

Business FinanceEconomic Term Paper & Topics - Assignment Example Hence investors were discouraged to invest their money in productive ventures. This situation adversely impacted the circulation of money in the economy and further impeded economic growth. Reports indicate that a large number of investors lost their millions of money as a result of the recessionary pressures. This paper will explore the types of investment people should choose during recession to avoid huge financial losses. Investors can reduce risk and uncertainty associated with their investments during recession by paying specific attention to investment strategies. In a recessionary situation, cash is considered as the king both for businesses and individuals, and therefore people must be increasingly vigilant while investing in various types of liquid, cash accounts. Based on an investor’s portfolio and financial needs, he can enhance the portfolio with more cash reserves such as saving accounts, money market accounts, and short maturity certificates of deposits. While going on with this type of investment, investors must ensure that there is sufficient liquid cash reserves left to meet their three to six months’ expenses. According to the, investing in evergreen industries and sectors is a potential investment strategy during the time of recession because consumer demand in those industries or sectors would remain almost stable even during tough economic times. The potential benefit of preferring evergreen industries and sectors for investment is that those sectors would quickly come back to normal condition and achieve a staggering growth rate once the recessionary pressures are off. Pharmaceutical industry is a good example. It is obvious that people will continue to buy medicines and other necessary health products and services whatever the economic condition is ( The energy sector is really potential for investment during recession as energy or power is an