Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The origin of humans Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The origin of humans - Coursework Example Contrary to the argument, genes are not transferable to other species hence different species poses different appearance. There is a great confusion since appearance can be helpful in species identification, hence disregarding the biological definition (Lewin, 2005). The evolution of man contrasts the biological definition of species in the aspect of appearance. The successful interbreeding of Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis biologically denotes them to belong to the same species biologically (Lewin, 2005). Neanderthals are closest relatives of Homo sapiens but belong to different species. Their evolutionary trace is in Asian and Europe while Homo sapiens fossils are in Africa. They concur in appearance but form different species hence more confusion when dating the human evolution. Strict biological definition concentrates on testing and stating theories for biodiversity measurement through taxonomy family levels. It has broad scale consideration but various implications. In consideration of species definition, it becomes difficult to assign the correct taxonomic rankings for the fossil study (Sober, 1994). The challenge is that, most living species interbreeding documentation is imperative since past fossils can no longer mate although the need for dating human evolution and origin is still

Monday, October 28, 2019

God Loves Uganda Response Paper Essay Example for Free

God Loves Uganda Response Paper Essay I was aware of strong anti-homosexuality prejudice in Uganda from discussions with friends and some news coverage I saw on the internet. However, I was unaware of the influence of U. S. evangelical missionaries until I saw the documentary God Loves Uganda. The film’s director, Roger Ross Williams, illuminates how American missionaries in Uganda campaign to condemn homosexuality and ban condoms as part of their abstinence only education. Missionaries in the film hail from the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City, Missouri. They take direction from the charismatic Lou Engle, who is a prominent leader of the evangelical Christian right. Throughout the documentary, these missionaries speak candidly about their core religious beliefs without coercion or the trickery of film editing. The American pastor behind the anti-gay vitriol spread by these â€Å"well-meaning† IHOP missionaries is Scott Lively. It is important to note that Scott Lively is quite the conspiracy theorist and anything he says should be taken with a grain of salt. He co-founded the anti-gay group Watchmen on the Walls and authored books such as The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, 7 Steps to Recruit-Proof Your Child, and The Poisoned Stream: â€Å"Gay† Influence in Human History (Scherr). Lively has forged relationships with Ugandan religious leaders, who preach his toxic message to their congregations. Two of the biggest myths that Lively and IHOP missionaries teach in Uganda are that homosexuality is a Western import trying to recruit children and that homosexuals can choose to be heterosexual. In Uganda, Same-sex relations have been deemed â€Å"unnatural† and laws against it have been in place forever. However, in 2009, anti-gay fervor reached new heights when the Ugandan Anti- Homosexuality Act was introduced to parliament. The bill criminalizes homosexual relations, which are punishable by life in prison or even death for serial offenders. Inspiration for the AntiHomosexuality Act directly stems from Scott Lively’s seminar titled, â€Å"Exposing the Truth Behind Homosexuality and the Homosexual Agenda†, which he presented before Ugandan Parliament. (Lapin) In conjunction with anti-homosexual propaganda, the missionaries preach that condoms should be banned, as abstinence is the key to lowering the HIV rate. The Ugandan government supports this flawed abstinence only policy. As a result, both hetero and homo sexual relations are stigmatized and condoms are not used. Therefore, disease continues to spread and wreak havoc on Ugandan society. Race and colonialism are not explicitly mentioned in the film but they are undeniable factors. Race has been beneficial to the missionaries. As ex-communicated, Bishop Christopher Senyonjo says of Ugandan’s relationship to the missionaries, â€Å"Because they are white, people believe them. † Colonizing of values is certainly happening. Africa has always been a place in which colonial aspirations come to fruition. Rather than exporting a way of governing to the colonies, missionaries are exporting religious governance. In addition to building orphanages and other good works, IHOP missionaries have exacerbated the anti-gay climate in Uganda. These people infiltrate Uganda in the name of God, demonize homosexuality as part of Biblical law, and then leave citizens to take the real law into their own hands. Consequently, LGBT people in Uganda fear for their lives. Now I must ask, is this what Jesus would want? Bibliography Lapin, Andrew. God Loves Uganda. The Dissolve. The Dissolve, 9 Oct. 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2013. Scherr, Sonia. U. S. Anti-Gay Activists Under Fire for Role in Uganda. Souther Poverty Law Center. Intelligence Report, Apr. -May 2010. Web. 23 Oct. 2013.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Holocaust Denial Propaganda Essay -- Essays Papers

Holocaust Denial Propaganda The Holocaust that took place during World War II is a very important incident in history. It is used as an example to prevent this from happening again. Today there is a movement that has the main goal of denying the Holocaust and that it ever happened. This propaganda movement targets the youth by placing ads in college newspapers. The denial of the Holocaust has been publicly present since the Nuremberg trials. Today the Holocaust denial is a propaganda movement whose goal is to deny the truth behind the Nazi regime’s mass murder of 6 million Jews during World War II. The movement is active in the United States, Canada and Western Europe. The movements target youths and young adults. The simple idea of denying the Holocaust is started by Nazi policy. The Nazi policy tried to camouflage the mass murder of 6 million Jews. The Nazi party sought to deny the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question," even as the directives were being carried out. The fact that death squads were ordered and used to assassinate the Jewish race was completely denied. During the Nuremberg trials, post-War French Trotskyists and anarchists denounced evidence of the genocide as "Stalinist atrocity propaganda". The French Trotskyists were lead by the deceased Paul Rassinier and sought to advance their own political prowess by denouncing genocide as "Stalinist atrocity propaganda". The roots of Holocaust revisionism takes place in 1979. Willis Carto started the largest anti-Jewish propaganda organization, the Institute for Historical Review (IHR). The organization is staffed by unaccredited professors, writers without formal academic certification and anti-Semites. They all convened to develop new out... ...-denial is a movement that tries to camouflage many of the atrocities that occurred during World War II. The Holocaust-deniers do not receive much credit because they twist facts and myths of the Holocaust to systematically fit their view. Society needs to recognize the farce being put on so that each individual has the chance to learn the truth about the Holocaust without being swayed by lies and tall tales of Holocaust revisionism. Works Cited - Kuttner, Paul. The Holocaust: Hoax or History? Dawnwood Press: New York, 1996. - Lipstadt, Deborah. Denying the Holocaust. Plume: New York, 1994. - Dawidowicz, Lucy S. What is the Use of Jewish History? Schocken Books: New York, 1992. - Dawidowicz, Lucy S. The War Against the Jews. Schocken Books: New York, 1975. - Vidal-Nanquet, Pierre. Assassins of Memory. Columbia University Press: New York, 1992.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Common Criticisms in Psychology Paper

The artificiality of inventive conditions in experimental environments is a repeated concern. How real can laboratory-based research be? This paper will explain the criticism of artificiality in the discipline of psychology and apply this criticism to at least three sub disciplines within psychology. This paper will also compare and contrast the breakthrough model of scientific research and the principle of connectivity in explaining events and outcomes; finally ending with comparing and contrasting the concepts of the single cause explanation and the principle of multiple causation in explaining events and outcomes. Criticism of Artificiality Long gone are the days of William Wundt but what remains at the fore front is the expostulation of experimentation from critics that confining psychology to the laboratory spontaneously confines the mental phenomena it can analyze. An appropriate estimation of the artificiality criticism requires distinctively several intentions experimentalists follow. The discipline of psychology’s laboratory studies are seen by some as bizarre. Viewing psychology as an inadequate science by the public stems from belief that evidence cannot be acquired unless natural circumstances are examined (Stanovich, 2007). Social Psychology The college sophomore problem and criticisms of representativeness are most often aimed at social psychology, which makes frequent use of college subjects in laboratory paradigms in an attempt to develop theories of social interaction, group behavior, and information processing in social situations† ( as cited in Stanovich, 2007, page 114). Bio-medical research is correspondent in today’s state of social psychology, and many of times founded on problem searching and very well may be funded on the footing of the problem it intends to alleviate (Krueger, 2003). Popular and political interest plays a role in the search for a particular cure of disease. More over it is the methodical, theory based research of fundamental physiology that deciphers the operations of the human body’s functions as well as how under certain conditions it malfunctions (Fields, 1994; Skalka, 1993). In a correlating style, fundamental, â€Å"theory driven research on social psychological processes† will completely enlighten the distinctive defects and the adaptable successfulness of the social creature (Krueger, 2003). Abnormal Psychology In discussing the artificiality criticism within abnormal psychology, it has been shown that as a laboratory science, it has many times had to deal with solitary and maybe abnormal section of human behavior, more specifically college students; therefore inefficient of considering any ample warmth, richness, and inventiveness of human behavior. More concerns include the kind or representativeness of subjects participating in academic research. A quote taken from William Robinson (2007) sums up the artificiality criticism saying â€Å"If our interpretation of the human mind is based on the behavior of American college sophomores in artificially contrived situations and interpreted in terms of laws derived from domesticated rats and pigeons, then our psychology is truly culture bound† (Robinson, 2007). Organizational Psychology As the field of Organizational psychology has evolved and grown, so has the array of topics and important research questions needing answers. A common systematic approach implemented to start understanding work related psychological issues can be investigated. â€Å"Theory-driven and research-based human resource and organizational improvement efforts can be evaluated using state-of-the-art evaluation science approaches, and evaluation findings can be used to continually improve and institutionalize positive change efforts† ( Donaldson & Bligh, 2006). Connectivity and Convergence When a new theory in science touches upon previously verified empirical facts, this is definitive of the connectivity principle (Stanovich, 2007). Consideration as an advance is contingent upon explaining new facts while accounting for old ones. It makes no difference if the theory explains old facts differently from the earlier theory, just that they are explained. This necessity guarantees the accumulative development of science. Despite a new theory explaining new facts, if there is no explanation for the old ones then there are no considerations of finalized advancement and no immediate replacement of them (Stanovich, 2007). What will occur will be both the old and new theory coexisting as probable ideas until a new theory abdicates them null and void? Leading us astray is the breakthrough model of scientific research by suggesting that new findings violate the principle of connectivity (Stanovich, 2007). This suggestion deems risky because by abandoning the connectivity principle, the primary beneficiaries are purveyors of counterfeit science and incredulous theories. Notorious are headlines that lead off with â€Å"New Breakthrough. † Theories such as these acquire most of their interest and publicity by claims that they are astoundingly new. The next deception is to cast out past information by asserting them impertinent. The reason being given, that such information does not yet exist due to the newness of the theory. This breeds an environment of pseudoscience. Better explained is by the evolutionary theory the ghost of creationism, with its connectivity display of such different areas of science as morphology, biogeography, paleontology and many more. With the universe and earth estimating at around 10 thousand years in age, then many modern sciences of physics, chemistry, astronomy, cosmology, paleontology and beginning human history are entirely abolished (Unspoken Bible, n. . ). Darwin’s theory called pangenesis, abandons the principle of connectivity to illustrate the means heredity correlating with natural selection (Unspoken Bible, n. d. ). Where the problem lies is creationism proving no connectivity among any other things in science like in geology, genetics, ecology, chemistry and biology (Unspoken Bible, n. d. ). The utmost connectivity is proven with all the other sciences by evol ution (Unspoken Bible, n. d. ). Single Cause Explanation and Principle of Multiple Causation Even though a cause of behavior may be determined does not imply the only or most important cause of behavior (Stanovich, 2007). Causal analysis stems from the event explained as extreme, negative or unexpected. Preferences in single cause explanations may happen, such as when not enough time has been made looking for other possibilities, or a lack of cognitive resources. On the other hand, where constraints are lacking consideration in real effort may be given on a multitude of feasible causes for the event in question (Chu & Shaw, 2005). In providing a complete abdication of a specific behavior the weight of many different variables must be studied by the researcher as well as mixing the results of the studies in order to give a thorough snapshot of all the causal associations (Chu & Shaw, 2005). Despite an outcome having numerous different variable determinants this does not minimize the significance of a causally related outcome by one variable, this being the case for variables accounting for a mere percentage of the outcome. In considering multiple causes, explanations are often based on past experiences or intuitive theories (Chu & Shaw, 2005). This resulting in the accepted explanation that is most approachable or believable. Even though individuals understand and credit the existence of multiple causes they many times conduct themselves more along the lines of unitary beliefs (Stanovich, 2007). Complex behaviors are multiply determined. A multitude of factors perform to generate their occurrence. Mitigating a difference in the effect of acting together variables than what can be due easily studying them separately. Don’t fall prey to thinking that there is a single cause to a particular behavior. Conclusion In conclusion this paper has explained events and outcomes through compare and contrasts of both the breakthrough model of scientific research and the principle of connectivity and the concepts of single cause and the principle of multiple causation. A mutual consensus because psychology experiments are not like real life, this should be looked upon as a strength and not a weakness. No lone experiment is conclusive but instead gives leave of some alternative explanations, perpetuating the ability of zeroing in on the truth. References Chu, Y. & Shaw, J. (2005). Causal chaining: Effects of behavioral domain and Outcome valence on perceived causal structure. Retrieved August 10, 2009 from http://www. uiowa. edu/~grpproc/crisp/crisp10_14. pdf Donaldson, S. I. & Bligh, M. C. (2006). Rewarding careers applying positive psychological science to improve quality of work life and organizational effectiveness. In Donaldson, S. , Berger, D. & Pezdek, K. (Eds. ) Applied sychology: New frontiers and rewarding careers. ( pp. 277 – 295). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Fields, B. N. (1994). AIDS: Time to turn to basic science. Nature 369: 95 – 96. Krueger, J. (2003). Towards a balanced social psychology: Causes, consequences and cures fro the problem-seeking approach to social behavior and cognition. Retrieved August 10, 2009 from http://www. scribd. com Robinson, W. (2007). Is 531: Psychology. Retrieved August 10, 2009 from http://www. web. utk. edu Skalka, A. M. (1993). Lobbying for research dollars: as more money goes into specific diseases available for basic research diminish. Washington Post (June 22) WH6 Stanovich, K. (2007). How to think straight about psychology. (8th ed. ). Allyn & Bacon: Pearson Education Company. The Unspoken Bible. (n. d. ). The scientific method. Retrieved August 10, 2009 from http://www. usbible. com

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Law, Ethics & Corp. Governance Essay

1. Describe what steps you would take to address the following scenario involving skills, competence, and abilities: The employee seems to be unable to learn the computer applications that are basic to her job responsibilities, but, consistently â€Å"tells† her boss that she is â€Å"a good worker and a genius† and that he does not â€Å"appreciate her†. Even after a few months of training and support, she is unable to use the computer tools to be productive and efficient in completing the required tasks. This can be a difficult situation for an employer to make because many employers try to see the positive and have faith in all their employees. If this situation took place within my company, I would continue to observe the employees attitude as well as dedication. Many times, employees are not capable of performing certain tasks, however, with a humble mindset, it is possible to work with them and guide them while working. This specific employee seems to have a self-assured mindset that she is not doing anything wrong. Instead of opening up and allowing her boss to assist her, she becomes arrogant. I would go a different route and have a professional come and train her from another company to see if that would help. If this specific assistance does not help, I will have to write the employee up to warn her that she must submit to the work load within a certain time frame. I do not believe this is being harsh to the employee. If she is hired to do a specific task and cannot get the task accomplished, then she is incapable of doing the work. I will be able to provide a written statement and have her terminated. Employers cannot waste time on employees who talk about their capabilities, yet not perform them. According to â€Å"Law and Ethics in the Business Environment† Chapter 2, she is able to voice her opinion publically in court, however, she must have written proof to back her up whys he should not be terminated. 2. Describe what steps you would take to address the following scenario involving management, behavior, and performance: The employee tends to burst into a rage when criticized and is frequently late to work as noticed by her boss and other staff members. When her boss attempts to address her behavioral issues and the company late policy, the employee’s response is that she â€Å"knows her rights and what to do† if she is wrongfully discharged. She also says she took a business law class in undergrad that taught her â€Å"everything she needs to know about exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine and wrongful discharge in violation of public policy†. I would provide counsel and verbal warning to the employee. It is important to get all of the facts and bring that person into your office without making a big scene. Being honest and upfront about the tardiness and improper behavior will get much respect from the employee and show firm leadership. I will discuss what has been taken place and how important it is to have the whole department working on one accord. I will also discuss that their tardiness is not fair to the other employees. I would take the time to ask if there is anything wrong, or if there is something happening in the workplace or personal life that is causing what is perceived as â€Å"a person with a bad attitude who is unhappy at work. I believe listening and showing empathy will let the employee know you care about their well-being but yet, still mean business. There may be some personal issues that they just need to get off of their chest. If I get a sarcastic response from them, then I must be strong, but not attacking, and let them know that the behavior shown is not acceptable and needs to improve. I would be sure that I am focusing on the problem, not the person. In situations like these, staying calm and let them do the talking will show the humility in you as a leader. In situations like these, I would point out their strengths, and try to first focus on the good aspects of their performance rather than a perceived bad attitude. Documenting and date this conversation as a verbal warning to the employee, yet not making it a threat. This is not a written warning, but shows that you did talk to the person about difficult employee issues. The more the employer documents, the easier it will be to terminate if it gets to that point. The biggest mistake is to not document. Documentation and building a case is the proof that shows you talked to this employee many times but to no avail (Sheahan, 2012). 3. Describe what steps you would take to address the following scenario involving labor and laws: The employee takes a day off from work, without management consent, for her religious holiday observance that falls on a day that is during â€Å"tax season†. The day off occurred during an incredibly busy period for the company during which the employer had notified all employees they were not allowed to take off without prior management approval. Also, there is no labor union for accountants. However, she begins talking to her co-workers during lunch breaks and sometimes during regular work hours, encouraging them to organize and form a union to â€Å"protect ourselves†. This can be a difficult situation because it involves the employee’s religious rights. According to an Act in 1997, â€Å"GUIDELINES ON RELIGIOUS EXERCISE AND RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION IN THE FEDERAL WORKPLACE†, Agencies shall not discriminate against employees on the basis of religion, require religious participation or non-participation as a condition of employment, or permit religious harassment. And agencies shall accommodate employees’ exercise of their religion in the circumstances specified in these Guidelines. These requirements are but applications of the general principle that agencies shall treat all employees with the same respect and consideration, regardless of their religion. At the same time, employees are not to engage in religious acts with employees by forcing their beliefs and opinions on them. This can cause immediate termination. Regardless of religious observation day or not, an employee is not to take a work day off without employers permission. The employer has every right to terminate the employee. It is understandable to observe religious acts as an individual but there has to be communication between employee and employer. The employer has to make accommodations for that specific day. 4. Describe what steps you would take to address the following scenario involving policies and procedures: The employee’s supervisor consistently asks her out on dates; the employee initially refuses to go out on a date with her supervisor. The employee later discusses the issue with her girlfriend who encourages her to accept his offers. During her new employee orientation, the employee was informed of the company policy which prevented employees from dating their supervisor and was given an employee handbook with the written policy. The employee and her supervisor later begin having a consensual relationship. Based from the research according to Saalfeld Griggs PC Publications, a supervisor dating an employee is prohibited within many companies. Although romantic relationships in the workplace are common, employers have legitimate reasons for concern about employee dating. The biggest fear is a sexual harassment lawsuit arising from either a supervisor who has a habit of asking subordinates out on dates; an employee who files a lawsuit after a consensual relationship goes sour; or the perception of co-workers that a supervisor is playing favorites with his or her â€Å"significant other. A policy that prohibits a supervisor from dating a subordinate must also describe the penalty imposed if the policy is violated. Men often hold more senior positions in a company, therefore, a policy that always penalizes the subordinate (e.g. by requiring termination or transfer) may create sexual discrimination liability. When enforcing a â€Å"no dating† policy, the employer must be careful to penalize both sexes equally. An employer who selectively enforces the policy, or enforces it more harshly against one sex compared to the other, may be liable for sexual discrimination. In a consensual relationship between a supervisor and a subordinate, the subordinate often is the recipient of preferential treatment. Employees have asserted claims for sexual harassment based on the theory that they can’t receive the same benefits because they are not â€Å"sleeping with the boss.† The policy is in writing and both the employer and employee decided to go against this policy. If one or the other is not able to transfer to another department, they must suffer the consequences of being released from the company. Reference Page: 1. Halbert, T., & Ingulli, E. (2012). Law & ethics in the business environment (7th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. 2. Sheahan, K. (2012). Bad Employee Behavior. Article retrieved from: 3. Sutton, R. (1999). Regulating Workplace Romance. Article retrieved from:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Outsourcing of IT Jobs essays

Outsourcing of IT Jobs essays Companies are under increasing pressure to compete in their marketplaces, thus they are looking at cheaper sources of labor outside of the United States to help cut costs. IBM has become one of the leading companies to follow this business strategy. However, organizations and management must now deal with new problems such as clashes of culture, customs, language, and even political pressure. Outsourcing is the newest trend that Corporate America is using to cut its costs. They are moving U.S. jobs overseas where the labor expenses are cheaper. The outsourcing of America is shaping up as a seemingly inexorable trend, with various consultants estimating that the number of U.S. jobs shipped overseas will climb from the hundreds of thousands we have seen over the last few years to several million in 10 years. (Gumpert, 2004 p.1). Corporations such as IBM, Dell, Microsoft, and American Express have participated in this strategy to cut costs. However, all of these companies will need to learn how to deal with the implications of moving to a cheaper labor force. Why are companies outsourcing many IT jobs? Large American corporations are claiming that they are outsourcing U.S. jobs overseas not only to cut their costs, but so that they can more efficiently compete in the global economy. Also many smaller companies are beginning to take the plunge and send jobs overseas so that they can compete with the larger corporations. Many of our U.S. jobs are being shipped offshore to countries such as India, China, Russia, and the Philippines. Jobs are being transferred to these locations because the countries have a high number of educated and highly skilled, information technology professionals. Programmers and engineers in these countries are willing to work for a much cheaper rate. With this new trend many Americans are wondering if the foreign workers actually possess the skills necessary to do the job. It is a surp...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Armenian Genocide Essays - Armenian Genocide, Anti-Armenianism

Armenian Genocide Essays - Armenian Genocide, Anti-Armenianism Armenian Genocide Why was the Armenian Genocide Forgotten? GENOCIDE By definition genocide is the organized killing of a people for the express purpose of putting an end to their collective existence (Websters dictionary). As a rule, the organizing agent is the nation, the victim population is a domestic minority, and the end result is the near total death of a society. The Armenian genocide generally conforms to this simple definition. FORGOTTEN The Armenian genocide is a hidden, almost lost part of world history, pretty much eclipsed by the more publicized genocide of the twentieth century, the Holocaust. The question is why. I could take a poll of this room and I am willing to bet that 95% of the students have ever even heard of the Armenian Genocide and those who have couldnt tell me more than a couple sentences about it. This is pretty scary, considering the statistics of the Armenian Genocide. OTTOMAN EMPIRE The Ottoman Empire was ruled by the Turks who had conquered the land from across West Asia, North Africa to Southeast Europe. The Ottoman government was based in Istanbul and was headed by a sultan who was given absolute power. The Turks were Islamic and were a harsh disciplinary civilization. The Armenians, a Christian minority, lived as second class citizens subject to legal restrictions (Graber 119). These restrictions denied them normal safeguards. Neither their lives nor their properties were guaranteed security. As non-Muslims they were also obligated to pay discriminatory taxes and denied participation in government. In its prime of the sixteenth century the Ottoman Empire was a powerful state. Its minority populations really benefited with the growth of its economy, but by the nineteenth century, the empire was in serious decline(Graber 121). It had been reduced in size and by 1914 had lost virtually all its lands in Europe and Africa. This decline created enormous internal political and economic pressures which contributed to the increasing tensions among the races (similar to Germanys way of blaming the Jews for their economic decline). Armenian aspirations for representation and participation in government worried the Muslim Turks who had never shared power in their country with any minority. Demands by Armenian political organizations for administrative reforms in the Armenian-inhabited provinces and better police protection only invited further repression. During the reign of the sultan Abdul Hamid, a series of massacres throughout the empire meant to dampen Armenian expectations by frightening them, cost up to three hundred thousand lives by some estimates and resulted in enormous material losses on a majority of Armenians. In response to the crisis in the Ottoman Empire, a new political group called the Young Turks seized power by revolution in 1908. From the Young Turks, the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) emerged at the head of the government in a coup staged in 1913. It was led by a triumvirate: Enver, Minister of War, Talaat, Minister of the Interior, and Jemal, Minister of the Marine (Hovanissian 15). The CUP spewed ultra-nationalistic culture which promoted the establishment of an exclusively Turkish state. It also promoted thoughts of conquering other regions inhabited by Turkic peoples, almost like our Manifest Destiny. When World War I broke out in August 1914, the Ottoman Empire formed part of the Triple Alliance with the other Central Powers, Germany and Austria-Hungary, and it declared war on Russia and its Western allies, Great Britain and France. The Ottoman armies initially suffered a string of defeats. Whether retreating or advancing, the Ottoman army used the occasion of war to wage a scam campaign of massacre against the civilian Armenian population in the regions in which warfare was rampant. These measures were part of the genocidal program secretly adopted by the CUP and implemented under the cover of war. They coincided with the CUP's larger program to eradicate the Armenians from Turkey and neighboring countries. Through the spring and summer of 1915, in all areas outside the war zones, the Armenian population was ordered deported from their homes. Convoys consisting of tens of thousands including men, women, and children were driven hundreds of miles toward the Syrian desert. In April of the young Turks convinced leaders of the Armenian population to meet to discuss the new orders for all

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Value of Apple Certification

The Value of Apple Certification Apple certification is something not many people even know is available. One reason is that Macs are still not nearly as popular as Microsoft Windows in the corporate world. Still, it does have a specific niche in business. Creative organizations like advertising agencies and media outlets like newspapers, magazines, and video production facilities normally rely much more heavily on Macs than other businesses. In addition, a number of school districts nationwide are Mac based. And most large companies have a few Macs scattered around, especially in corporate art and video departments. That’s why it can make sense to get an Apple certification. Although not nearly as numerous as, for example, Microsoft certified individuals, Mac certified pros are valuable in the right setting. Application Certifications There are basically two certification paths for Apple: application-oriented and support/troubleshooting-oriented. Apple Certified Pros have expertise in particular programs, like the Final Cut Studio video editing suite or DVD Studio Pro for DVD authoring. For certain applications, like Logic Studio and Final Cut Studio, there are several levels of training, including the Master Pro and Master Trainer credentials. These can be handy to have if you’re self-employed and do contract video editing work, for example. If teaching is your thing, consider becoming an Apple Certified Trainer. The chief benefit of a certification like this would be for instructors and trainers working with students learning the programs. Technology Certifications Apple also offers a number of titles for the more â€Å"geeky† folks. Those who like computer networking and digging into the guts of an operating system are targeted here. There are three Mac OS X certifications offered, including: Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP). This is an entry-level credential for support personnel, equivalent to the MCP. It covers the Mac OS X client, but not Mac OS X server.Apple Certified Technical Coordinator (ACTC). The next level adds Mac OS X server support and is geared toward entry-level system administrators working on smaller networks.Apple Certified System Administrator (ACSA). This is for high-end Mac system administrators, working in complex and often large environments. You should have several years experience working with and administering, Mac networks before attempting this one. Apple also has credentials for hardware and storage specialists. Apple’s storage device is called Xsan and offers two titles for experts in this area: Xsan Administrator and the Apple Certiï ¬ ed Media Administrator (ACMA). The ACMA is more technical than Xsan Administrator, involving storage architecture and networking duties. On the hardware side, consider becoming an Apple Certified Macintosh Technician (ACMT) Certification. ACMTs spend a lot of their time pulling apart and putting back together desktop machines, laptops, and servers. It’s the Apple version of the A credential from CompTIA. Worth the Money? So, given the range of Apple certifications available, the question is whether they’re worth spending the time and money to achieve since there are far fewer Macs in business use than PCs? One blog by an Apple fan asked that question and got some interesting answers. â€Å"The certifications are very useful and are valid industry recognised accreditation. Im pretty sure that a having Apple accreditation on my CV helped me get my current job,† said one Apple Certified Pro. Another compared the Apple certifications and Microsoft: â€Å"As for Apple vs Microsoft... MCSEs are a dime a dozen. Any Apple Cert is rare and if you have both (like I do) it is very marketable and valuable to clients. Scarcity is key to being valuable and my business in the past 18 months has exploded due to Apple and our requirement for dual certs.† One multiple-certification Mac expert had this to say: â€Å"The certifications definitely help, when it comes to showing prospective clients (and even future employers) that you know Macs.† Additionally, this article from Certification Magazine discusses how one college is starting to turn out Apple-certified students who are finding work, in part thanks to the credential. Judging from those responses, it’s safe to say that Apple certification is quite valuable in the proper situation.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Abelard and Heloises Differing Opinions of Love, Sex and Sin Research Paper

Abelard and Heloises Differing Opinions of Love, Sex and Sin - Research Paper Example From their son’s point of view, the historical novels revels the importance of the bond of love that exists between the husband and wife as well as the importance of the same bond between the parents and children. As well in the society marriage should not be kept as a secret from the family members, this is to say that love is not a secret as the punishment to Abelard for doing this was his castration. Abelard’s life is full of love for both God and his wife as he dedicated his inner life to them. He had serious faith in Christ as well as an ardent love for his wife. On the other hand, keeping this love a secret and hence the marriage was also a secret was not acceptable to Abelard’s father and the fatherly infernally poisonous jealousy lead to the forceful castration of Abelard. Heloise’s love is so intense and described as the love that would lead to worshipping a lover and as she is sent to a convent, she resorts to letter writing to her lover. Astrola be, Abelard’s son is seen as the distant link between him and Heloise as he admires his intellectual similarities while also failing to full recognize him as his son though this trinity is connected through secrecy and profound love. Heloise is imprisoned in a convent out of her own free will and though Abelard’s love and passion is almost nil he takes a mistress to fulfill his experience passion and sexual love. This imprisonment can be attributed to the actions of Abelard’s action of making her pregnant before marriage and the son really questions her mother’s intention in being a nun in the true power and extent of love, and the meaning of love. The son could not understand the love Heloise had for Abelard, so intense to have blinded her not to see his shortcomings such as his cantankerousness, his megalomania, his vanity, his ingratitude and arrogance. At one time, blasphemy could have led to her expulsion from convent for her absolute love for Abelar d is said to have exceeded the utmost possible for a human being, such love viewed to exceed love for God. She loved wholeheartedly and Classen (2003) describes as love with body and soul, in complete devotion as he thinks that it is only a woman who loves like that. This loves is for themselves only as they seem not to have much live for their child as Astrolabe even dreams of killing his father not out of hate but out of love, wild jealous love for the parents. According to Porter, (2000), Aberlards definition of sin is nothing other than to hold the creator in contempt, not to do for his sake what should be done for his sake or rather nit go forego for his sake that which we believe should be foregone. His understanding is reacting against the view of the early medieval penitential, which understood sin in terms of wrong doing without much regard for the agent’s motives or intentions, (Leclercq, 1973). At his time, 12th century, he was not the only one with this different view and the period can be described to have had widespread uncertainty about sin and penance though these issues were of practical concern to the society. Critically evaluating his understanding reveals that his case for sin is the fault of the soul which is rendered guilt before God as the desire to perform a sinful act itself cannot be considered as sin. His stance on moral accountability has implications for moral accountability, the legitimacy of punishment and the practice of penance are based on the consent of the soul through which the creator is held in contempt. Desire, just the desire for pleasure rather than engaging in the sinful

Coprorate Ethics Issues in PSEG and Boeing Essay

Coprorate Ethics Issues in PSEG and Boeing - Essay Example These corporate laws are set by the government and companies but its implementation lies squarely with the employees. According to Nayar (2009), companies must develop trust as it is an essential component which makes customers and shareholders believe in the management. In this paper, I analyse two companies to establish if they have regulations that define their relationships with employees, clients, its suppliers, shareholders and other companies. Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) This is a company with its headquarters in Parsippany, New Jersey. It is an energy generating company formed in 1903 by merging services of 400 independently owned fuel and electric supply companies. This was done out of the need to enhance service delivery to the locals through a centrally governed public company. Under the leadership of its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ralph Izzo, the company drafted a strategic document, â€Å"Be an ethics champion†. This document outlines the lev els of integrity that is expected of company employees, it also stresses the need for these workers to internalize these guidelines to create a unified positive image. This was very necessary since it is publicly owned and requires public trust to effectively execute their functions. It also operates a unique business model as it has subsidiary companies which it has to maintain favourable relationships with (Hansen, 2000). In this document, they highlight internal principles which the company adheres to: to promote accountability, the company submits periodic statements of accounts to the shareholders and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) who peruse them to establish the company’s financial position. This enhances transparency since the authorities scrutinize these books to see if the company engages in unfair trade practices. To promote harmony with company neighbours, it strives to maintain full compliance with environmental regulations which apply within its locati on. Since PSEG deals in dangerous substances which have adverse environmental effects when mishandled, the company has established efficient safety procedures that ensures employees and close neighbours are exposed to minimal risks in case of a disaster at the plant. During company gatherings for instance, the annual general meeting (AGM), the company management engages the shareholders in talks which address these environmental concerns. This stakeholder involvement ensures that the adopted plan gets input from the entire community; the employees, stockholders and clients then feel they have ownership to PSEG by contributing to decision making (Hansen, 2000). PSEG is a company operating in 5 continents; to maintain good ethical practices in countries with inadequate laws protecting integrity at the workplace is very difficult. The company is thus exposed to numerous unethical practices, especially in countries with weak graft laws. In countries with young democracies or authoritari an rule, there are cases of governments demanding high start up cost prior to setting up of an outlet. This partly or wholly goes to private hands in covert business operations. Due to employee racial diversity, the company is faced with personal cases of racial prejudice; the management has the ethical control unit that solves these differences and issue disciplinary actions where appropriate. Lastly, the company encourages employees to be company

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Management of Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

The Management of Change - Essay Example Change management is an approach which provides a way to transform the organization from present state to desired future state. It is one of the most significant aspects of management which can be regarded as an attempt to ensure that organizations react to the environmental factors in which it operates. Organization change can be implemented in various techniques, such as by altering the mission, strategy, operation, technology, and attitude or behaviour of personnel associated with an organization. It has often been argued that change occurs in an organization due to several forces such as nature of the workforce, economic conditions, competition, social trends, and world politics among others which either relates to the internal or external business environment. Change management is a concept which assists an organization to respond faster to the customer demands. The concept of change management can also be regarded as a theory which tends to motivate the employees of organizatio n to accept the change and execute the organisational process in an effective and efficient manner. Therefore, it can be observed that organisational change management should begin with a systematic diagnosis of the present situation in order to determine both the need for change and the capability of change (Smith & Graetz, 2011). General Motor Company General Motors was established by William â€Å"Billy† Durant in the year 1908. In the year 1920s, with a substantial rise in the demand for automobile General Motors was positioned as a leader of global automobile industry. The company added various brands in its product line such as Chevrolet, Vauxhall, and Opel which in turn helped it to diversify its business all around the world. Chronologically, General Motors built a strong existence in emerging markets, especially in China and Brazil and accomplished its transformation into a solitary global economy. In the modern days, the company continued to grow with electric vehicle technology developing a series of hydrogen motorized fuel-cell notion and demonstration vehicles (General Motors Company, 2012). Nissan Motor Company The Nissan Motor Company was established in Yokohama City in the year 1933 by Yoshisuka Aikawa. Presently, Nissan maintains its prime objective to optimize product development and deliver extremely innova tive technology to its worldwide customers. It is due to this reason that currently Nissan is recognized for its creation of innovative vehicles and service programs all over the world. The company produces multiple ranges of product brands such as Infiniti G, Infiniti G Coupe, Infiniti M and Infiniti EX among others. The products of the company are praised by customers all over the world with its high reliability in terms of quality and price which depicts that the company has been able to attain high level of satisfaction and brand loyalty in its current performances (Nissan Motor Company, 2012). Reasons for Change General Motor Company The General Motor had to

The Baroque Age and Eighteenth Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Baroque Age and Eighteenth Century - Essay Example Baroque outside Italy, for instance, in the Netherlands, it was done for commercial purposes to attract the emerging bourgeois class. This resulted in a significant transformation through the development of new painting methods such as a Portraiture, still life and landscape. This implies that the elements of the Baroque were instrumental towards the introduction of modern commercial art works. I think the Baroque age also inspired music and revolution of the humanisticcontributions because the production pieces sounded very decorated and exaggerated. This is because spiritual themes and stories were the main attractions in theatre and music during that era. Considering this, I can tell that the baroque style contributed to the spread of religious messages through art and painting. The 18th Century Music had exaggerated sounds that were synonymous with different rhythms and compositions. Similarly, architectural designs, especially paintings and drawings, had elements similar to the Baroque principles. This is because they had simple details that represented religious and reformist messages. As a result, the humanistic contributions were that the art work, music and architecture had different aspirations to human beings. This implies that the Baroque art inspired changes in the social and religious fronts. Opera is a common music that originated in the 18th Century and was based on history, tradition and legends of those days. The genre incorporates vocal music, ornamental and theatre, which are dramatized.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Management Control System at Firm Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Management Control System at Firm - Term Paper Example Western Digital Corporation has been a hard disk drive storage manufacturing pioneer. The product line of the company includes external drives for mobile desktops, laptops and other digital home entertainment products Structure (By Decentralization) One of the major features of the overall management control system is the presence of decentralization. Western Digital has understood the importance of the decentralization in the decision making system so that the sub-goals can be set and achieved. In this way each and every decision maker has become responsible for a small portion of the overall organizational objectives. The Do-it-Yourself, or DIY, culture has been intent on home grown tooling and development. Despite of the decentralization, the implementation of MCS ensures that the organizations develop rules to ensure that supervisors are aware of the authority and the subordinates are aware of the tasks to be performed and respective expectations (Ng and Dastmalchian 18). (organi Technological, regulatory, political and economic forces are changing the competitive environment (Jensen 1). Hence organizations are looking to use technology in itself to get business insights. WD is also not an exception. However, the application of technology by the organization is quite unique to say the least. The use of a home-grown job scheduling system is one example of it. The company does not use commercial Extract, Transform and Load tools. The DIY culture is not an issue of cost as the company already has expensive business intelligence tools in the form of statistical analysis software. But the internally developed solution of the company has been more responsive. The main objective of the introduction of the decentralization by WD is to tie the subunits of the company together. In order to complement such decentralization, the company has adopted a product or divisional organizational structure. Here it is be added that instead of going for proces s intervention, the organization has decided to go for structural intervention by looking to change organizational design, job design, the performance review system , etc (Sisaye 54). Planning System As far as the planning system is concerned, the company wished to restore the confidence of the employees through informal and formal communication. The organization wishes to develop a plan to incline capability beyond 40 M units. The organization expects to meet the product costs targets that achieve more than 25%; the company is set to support a quality initiative on AFR improvement. The company also has plans to review and overhaul the process control system as needed (Anthony 101). Review and Measurement System When a control system designer undertakes to review and measure the performance of the decentralized process, a number of issues are needed to be considered. The main issue is the involvement of the measurement of the performance with regard to the interdivisional transactio ns and profit. The technique used to review and measure the performance is quite similar to the ROIC performance management. The company uses the ROIC approach to assess the efficiency of capital allocation. In this way, through the return on invested capital, the company gets a sense of how well the company is actually using money to generate returns (Dent 84). However, the performance of

Rate of Glucose Uptake by Yeast Cells Lab Report

Rate of Glucose Uptake by Yeast Cells - Lab Report Example From the equation, it can be concluded that one mole of glucose reacts with two moles Cu2+ to give one mole of Cu2O. Thus, one can weigh the mass of Cu2O formed and relate it to the amount of glucose present in a solution. This method can be used to study the rate of glucose uptake by yeast cells. 2. Start the timer and add 1.00 mL of yeast suspension with a micropipette into one flask containing the glucose solution. Repeat this until 7 replicates are obtained. Please note that this has to be done very fast (within 1 minute if possible). To the remaining flasks, add 1.00 mL of distilled water into each, and label them as blank. 4. After 30 minutes have elapsed, pour the contents of one flask labelled blank sample and one containing the yeast suspension into two separate beakers containing around 150 mL of boiling distilled water. Cool the mixtures to room temperature and transfer them into two separate 250-mL volumetric flasks. Add distilled water to the flasks to make a final volume of 250.00 mL. Shake the flasks well and let them stand until clear supernatants are obtained (the blank solution should not have a sediment if the experiment has been done properly). Label the one obtained from the blank sample as B60 and the other one as Y60 5. Pipette 25.00 mL of supernatant from B60 and pour it in a 100 mL beaker. Add 25 mL of 0.2500 M Benedict's solution (it is in excess) to the beaker containing the supernatant from B60. Heat the resulting mixture to boiling until a red precipitate is formed. Cool this mixture to room temperature. Repeat to get a replicate. 6. Filter the mixture with a Gooch crucible tared with filter paper using the set up shown in Figure 1. Wash the precipitate several times with cold distilled water. Figure 1. Set up for filtration apparatus 7. Use a cloth (this would avoid fingerprints on the surface) to remove the crucible containing the precipitate from the filtration apparatus. 8. Dry the sample to constant mass. Ensure that tongs are used to handle the crucible and that the sample is kept/cooled in a dessicator before weighing. 9. Repeat steps 5-8 with Y60. 10. Repeat steps 4-9 to get data at t =120,180,240,300,360,420 mins and label the samples accordingly. Calculations As per Equation 1, one mole of glucose reacts with two moles of Cu2+ to give one mole of Cu2O. In the above experiment, glucose is the limiting reagent and Cu2+ is in excess. Hence the amount (mole) of Cu2O formed of is directly proportional to the amount of glucose in the solution. Molar mass of Cu2O = (63.55 x 2) + 16 = 143.10 Molar mass of glucose, C6H12O6 = (12.01 x 6) + (1.01 x 12) + (16.00 x 6) = 180.18 No. of moles of Cu2O formed =

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Management Control System at Firm Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Management Control System at Firm - Term Paper Example Western Digital Corporation has been a hard disk drive storage manufacturing pioneer. The product line of the company includes external drives for mobile desktops, laptops and other digital home entertainment products Structure (By Decentralization) One of the major features of the overall management control system is the presence of decentralization. Western Digital has understood the importance of the decentralization in the decision making system so that the sub-goals can be set and achieved. In this way each and every decision maker has become responsible for a small portion of the overall organizational objectives. The Do-it-Yourself, or DIY, culture has been intent on home grown tooling and development. Despite of the decentralization, the implementation of MCS ensures that the organizations develop rules to ensure that supervisors are aware of the authority and the subordinates are aware of the tasks to be performed and respective expectations (Ng and Dastmalchian 18). (organi Technological, regulatory, political and economic forces are changing the competitive environment (Jensen 1). Hence organizations are looking to use technology in itself to get business insights. WD is also not an exception. However, the application of technology by the organization is quite unique to say the least. The use of a home-grown job scheduling system is one example of it. The company does not use commercial Extract, Transform and Load tools. The DIY culture is not an issue of cost as the company already has expensive business intelligence tools in the form of statistical analysis software. But the internally developed solution of the company has been more responsive. The main objective of the introduction of the decentralization by WD is to tie the subunits of the company together. In order to complement such decentralization, the company has adopted a product or divisional organizational structure. Here it is be added that instead of going for proces s intervention, the organization has decided to go for structural intervention by looking to change organizational design, job design, the performance review system , etc (Sisaye 54). Planning System As far as the planning system is concerned, the company wished to restore the confidence of the employees through informal and formal communication. The organization wishes to develop a plan to incline capability beyond 40 M units. The organization expects to meet the product costs targets that achieve more than 25%; the company is set to support a quality initiative on AFR improvement. The company also has plans to review and overhaul the process control system as needed (Anthony 101). Review and Measurement System When a control system designer undertakes to review and measure the performance of the decentralized process, a number of issues are needed to be considered. The main issue is the involvement of the measurement of the performance with regard to the interdivisional transactio ns and profit. The technique used to review and measure the performance is quite similar to the ROIC performance management. The company uses the ROIC approach to assess the efficiency of capital allocation. In this way, through the return on invested capital, the company gets a sense of how well the company is actually using money to generate returns (Dent 84). However, the performance of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Text Set-Literacy Curriculum Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Text Set-Literacy Curriculum - Research Paper Example This leaves no room for ambiguity for students at the same time in understanding the subject matter. It is rather suggested that teachers should undertake activities in class where students will have to select short text as per their choice. However, a limitation is there in this regard i.e. teacher’s obligation for reading each and every story that the students pick as a short text. For this, it can be said that short text is much manageable in reading (Fletcher & Portalupi, 2001). It immediately finishes up in one sitting rather than longer novels that are continued for some days. Looking at the real life examples of reading habits of general public, short text such as tweets, how-to articles, cookbooks, announcements, online forums are read more than longer books. Therefore, there is an avid need of making reading interesting for peers that is possible with the help of short text selection (Cohen,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Holiday and Comfort Zone Essay Example for Free

Holiday and Comfort Zone Essay The scorching hot sun was beating down on my bare pale skin, the warm light breeze gently brushed through my blonde hair and the cool, shimmery, turquoise water soothed my skin. The smell of coconuts and pina coladas whirled in from the snack bar and the fresh salty air made my whole body calm and relaxed. This is just how the vacation of my lifetime would start and It would soon be my favorite place in the world to visit. My vacation in Mexico brought many exciting adventures and new experiences that brought a positive insight in me as it made me break out of my comfort zone, made me want to travel the world more often, and also to get involved and make a difference in the world. As I glanced out the window on the bus ride to the resort, I couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful scenery that was surrounded all around me. I was ecstatic because I was looking at the most alluring scenery I have ever seen in my life and I knew at this moment I never wanted to go back home. In the whistling wind, the palm trees swayed side to side while brushing against each other and slightly hitting my window. I heard a screeching, loud noise from the brakes and then I finally realized we had arrived at our final destination. As I stepped off the bus, I could smell the salty, clean and fresh air right away and an empty but warm breeze blew against my face. â€Å"Taylor wait for us! We don’t want you to get lost! † My family yelled as I had already started running over to the lobby in excitement. When we got assigned our room we walked around the resort and that’s when it all had hit me. With my mouth wide open, all I could say was, â€Å"this place is absolutely breathtaking. † As we went around to the back, there were 4 fairly large pools on both sides of me, and chairs directly around each of the pools. In the blink of an eye I noticed the beach up ahead of me and I have never seen something more beautiful, serene and relaxing. The sinking feeling as my feet step into the fine, white sand as it started to burn the soles of my feet, I dragged myself over to the shoreline and stepped into the water while it soothed my feet. The beach was a scorching furnace, as I felt it slowly burn my body and my face and the sweat on me was a river running down my forehead. As the day ended, I lay myself in my bed and my thoughts were consumed by all of the stunning scenery that I had witnessed that day in this beautiful and enchanting location and I started to think about it more and more and it made me realize that when I’m older I want to travel the world and witness all the different locations and the beautiful scenery they have to offer and learn about different cultures. I woke up the next morning and jumped out of my bed as I was thrilled to start off the day with a bunch of fun and adventurous activities that I’ve never experienced before. â€Å"Taylor, would you like to swim with the dolphins today and go zip lining? † my mom said as my eyes were wide open and had the biggest smile on my face, I couldn’t help but scream â€Å"YES! †. As we got our stuff packed and soothed the sunscreen all over our body, we were set to go. The water was splashing against our legs and the warm breeze whistled through our hair and the smell of the salty clean air overhead as we walked over to the hut where I would soon experience one of my most memorable moments. As we got into the water, Melanie the dolphin came gliding across the water as we all lined up and pet her. The best part of this whole experience was getting a ride on the dolphin while I held onto her fins and she glided across the whole water.. Dolphins are definitely the most graceful and intelligent sea creatures and the way they interacted and understood us was absolutely outstanding. Also, it was really interesting and heartbreaking learning about the dolphins and how not many of them are surviving because they are being slaughtered and they are dying from toxic exposure. As a result, the dolphins made a huge impact on my life because once I heard what was happening to the dolphins it touched deep into my heart and made me want to make a difference in the world and stop the cruelness of people slaughtering and taking advantage of them. Afterwards, we went over to the zip lining and I couldn’t help but have that stomach drop feeling as we got there. I was standing at the very top and almost ready to go and my fear of heights was almost sickening me out but I knew I had to experience this. My feet lifted off of the platform and I felt pretty comfortable as I felt like I was a superhero for a couple of minutes. I was soaring over the stunning beach and the palm trees just below me and all I could say in my head was, â€Å"this view is just outstanding† and I wish I could stay in that moment forever. For the most part, today I took a leap of faith out of my comfort zone as there was a huge adrenaline rush in me as I was about to soar really high, but being able to experience this made me want to go out and try new things that I could eventually overcome my fear of because life begins just beyond your comfort zone. A day to remember, I will never forget these astonishing experiences that I spent with the lovely dolphins and zip lining over the most gorgeous view. The climate in Mexico made it the best part because without it I wouldn’t have enjoyed the memorable and adventurous activities that I will cherish forever. Since we were in Mexico in February it was sunny almost every day and when it did rain it would only rain for a short period of time during the day. Since it was hot and sunny most of the time, we got a much better experience with the friendly dolphins, zip lining over a tremendous view and other adventurous activities that we will never forget. Also, with this weather I got a golden brown tan from the beaming rays of the sun. However, some days the humidity was really high and it felt as humid as a steam room, as the moist heat stuck to my body. By the middle of the day temperatures can reach up to about 40 degrees, where the sun is just scorching on my body. Without the beautiful weather, my experiences and memorable moments wouldn’t be enjoyed as much and I got a nice golden brown tan. Also with this being said, the bright, warm and sunny summer days encouraged me to think about traveling to a numerous of warm climate places and also experience other vacations where the climate is different. Early in the morning, we exhaustingly started to pack our bags and head off to the airport and as soon as I got on the plane my mind was filled with reflections from my unforgettable vacation. My vacation in Mexico brought many exciting adventures and new experiences that brought a positive insight in me as it made me break out of my comfort zone, made me want to travel the world more often, and also to get involved and make a difference in the world. The lovely scenery made me want to stay in this gorgeous place forever, experiencing new activities in a different location made for a lot of memorable moments that I’ll remember forever, and without the comfortable climate I wouldn’t have enjoyed the trip as much as I did.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Assess whether or not the changes in the structure of the UK industry E

Assess whether or not the changes in the structure of the UK industry have been beneficial for the economy, industries and the consumer. Over the past 30 years the structure of the UK economy has been transformed. By this I mean there has been changes in the production and employment between the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. In 1964, 1,201,000 people were employed in the primary sector. By 1995 there were only 383,000 people employed in the primary sector. This shows a decrease of 818,000 employees over 31 years. This was mainly due to a contraction of output in the coal mining industries, and the collapse of oil prices in 1986, further contributing toward the declining industry. The second change in the structure of the UK industry was a decrease in output and employment in the secondary (manufacturing) sector. A decrease of 6,027,000 employment was recorded between 1964 and 1995. This is deindustrialisation. The final change was in the tertiary sector, where the amount employed had increased by 50%, from 11,178,000 to 16,527,000, between 1964 and 1995. Increasing its percentage of GDP in the UK. Therefore we can conclude that there has been an increase in employment output in the tertiary sector and a decrease in the primary and tertiary sectors. There has also been a shift over the years from public to private sector production, which creates competition, causing lower prices and benefiting the consumer, while contributing to ...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Which character do you believe has changed the most, in Silas :: Free Essay Writer

Which character do you believe has changed the most, in Silas Marner, giving reasons why? Change can be natural or provoked manually, it is unavoidable, it is inevitable, it is imperative and it can be both welcome and greeted with apprehension. The Concise Oxford Dictionary says change is to, ‘Make or become different’, and the Oxford Thesaurus offers these alternatives, ‘adapt, adjust, alter, amend, convert, modify and transform’. Change and its effects is the underlying theme of Silas Marner. The novel is a fable because it has a strong moral message, which is change, and based on one fictitious individual and how they should and should not cope with both positive and negative change. It is a story ultimately about redemption within oneself due to catastrophic changes to a lifestyle. In this particular case, the life in question is that of Silas Marner’s. As the title suggests, the main character is Marner and it was customary of 19th century writers to name their novel on the main character and from there after, follow the change and development of that character within their environment. This would infer that Marner is the main character, and that he is to undertake the most change throughout the course of the story. A wise assumption perhaps, but under closer observation there may be more to consider than first anticipated. Other characters from whom we can extract good examples of various types of change from are Aaron Winthrop, Nancy Lammeter, and Eppie. Yet, the only character to experience change radical enough to rival Marner’s is Godfrey Cass. However, before I can describe in detail what changes these two characters have experienced we need to know what they were like before any change, at the beginning of the story. Obviously, in order to change, the subject needs to change from something to something else; and to gauge how much change has taken place, there needs to be a comparison between the past and present. So, what are the two characters like when we first meet them? The first mention of Marner is at the beginning of the second paragraph. At this time, Marner is in Raveloe having already left Lantern Yard: ‘In the early years of this century such a linen-weaver, named Silas Marner, worked at his vocation in a stone cottage that stood among the nutty hedgerows near the village of Raveloe, and not far from the edge of a deserted stone pit.’ This does not tell us much about Marner’s character but a change in character is not the only thing to attract interest. The text gives us an insight into his appearance by saying, ‘such a linen weaver,’. To me this is implying Marner is quite a stereotypical linen-weaver,

Friday, October 11, 2019

Martin Johnson Heade Essay

Martin Johnson Heade (originally Heed), the eldest son in a large family of Joseph Howell Heed was born on 11th August, 1819 in Lumberville, a small rural location near Doylestown in Bucks country of Pennsylvania (Hollis Taggart Galleries, Para. 1). His father owned a farm and a lumber mill. His life is said to have been influenced by the two cousins, Thomas Hicks and Edward Hicks who probably taught him his first art lessons locally. His passion for art grew considerably in the 1840s, and it is around this time that he took a study tour to England and stayed in Rome Italy for two years. By the year 1843, he was residing in New York and later moved to Brooklyn, where he changed his name to Heade, and later on moved to Philadelphia (Hollis Taggart Galleries, Para. 2). In 1848, he took his second academic European tour to return later in 1850. The second trip did not leave him settled either, as he continued to travel while settling down briefly in the towns of St. Louis, New Haven and Providence. It was in this decade that he deeply studied and explored the effects of light on the environment, a subject that was equally dear to American Luminists Sanford Gifford, John Kensett C as well as Fitz Lane Hugh. Consequently he fully got into landscape painting (Hollis Taggart Galleries, Para. 2). In 1859, he rented a studio in the famous tenth street studio building in New York and became a full time painter (Lurie and Mappen, Pp. 355. ) It is in relation to this that he is remembered for his flora, fauna and landscape paintings that do not only have a rich effect of color and light but could also portray some poetic sentiments. Its while operating from the same studio that he met Fredric Edwin Church from the Hudson River school who was later to become his close friend and associate. This period is seen as the turning point in his life as it signaled the onset of his unique lifestyle and a lasting interest in landscape and paintings. In 1863, he interpreted the chaste Latin American coastal landscape in a unique manner and later toured Rio de Janeiro in Brazil in the same year (Hollis Taggart Galleries Para 3). The goal of the tour was to illustrate a complete different version of South American Hummingbirds. He was so enthusiastic about the Hummingbirds that he hoped to prepare an outstanding and an elegant album about these creatures in Britain. Though he hoped to have this album published in Britain, it was never to happen. Hummingbirds however continued to be a dear subject to him as evidenced by the paintings that he did in the rest of life. He continued making trips to the Latin America notably in Nicaragua, Colombia, Jamaica and Panama. In the course of those visits, he studied the local flora and fauna, painting both large and small landscapes of hummingbirds and orchids, works that saw him get recognition at the gallery exhibition in New York and Boston. At the age of sixty four in 1883, Heade got married and moved to St Augustine in Florida. This is where he was to spend the rest of his life while he continued to exhibit his paintings in northern towns such as Boston and Springfield Massachusetts. He was almost forgotten in the New York City but was later rediscovered during the revival of the Hudson River painting school and has from then on been accorded the respect and major status that he commanded out of his outstanding work. In Florida, an oil tycoon and hotel magnate Henry Morris Flagger invited Heade to set up another studio, which was to be last studio, in a building behind Ponce De Leon, a hotel that was owed by Flagger in St Augustine. In his two decades stay at St Augustine prior to his death on September 4 1904, he continued to paint while fascinated by the flora and fauna located in Florida. His works were mainly Cherokee roses, orchids and magnolias (Hollis Taggart Galleries, Para. 4). The works could often depicted the same flower over and over again but in different blooming states thus bringing out the hidden beauty of the environment that is not obvious to many. During his stay in St Augustine Florida and prior to his death, Heade made more than one hundred and fifty pieces of work . Most of this work focused on the exuberant nature and landscape, flowers, sceneries and fruits of the American south , topics that were dear to him also. It is against this background that he is remembered, having not only taken a lot if interest in a rare subject but also having pursued it with vigor, passion and up to the old age. He did what he liked most and did it best. The outstanding feature of any artistic work done by Heade is their capture of their botanic and scientific accuracy. They note every line on the leaf, every mark on the facet, fruit or blossom. The figures below are example of the artistic work done by the 19th century artist and depict the mystery surrounding him and his interest in the natural world. Though the work was done more than a century ago, the beauty and elegance has surpassed the passage time. Fig. 1 Source: http://www. martin-johnson-heade. org/ Although little is documented in writing about Martin Johnson Heade as he left no identifiable body of writing, his contribution to the field of art and painting is immense. Such is evidenced by the Martin Johnson Heade, a function organized and premiering at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) in Boson from the 29th day of September 1999 through the 17th of January 2000 which shed light on Martin Johnson Heade as one of the most original and all time artists in the history of mankind (Traditional Fine Art Online Inc, Para. 1). MFA owns an outstanding collection of work done by Heade including about 30 paintings, numerous drawings and other materials such as sketches and sketch books that he used. Although he was practically unknown during his own days, Heade is today also recognized in America as a great romantic painter and uniquely as a master landscape painter as far as floral still life is concerned. With a career that spanned over seventy years, a lot went to his name’s credit as noted during the function organized by MFA, having produced a varied body of work more than any other American artist of the 19th century. â€Å"Martin Johnson Heade is sure to give new insights into the work of one of the most intriguing of American artists, whose paintings have a strange and almost surreal intensity. Heade was one of America’s most productive and inventive artists, and his work reflects a wide range of talent and creativity. The exemplary work captures such a variety of moods, from his atmospheric effects, the glory of light, the sumptuous warmth of his orchids and tropical scenes, and the inexplicable sensuality of so many of his works in every genre. I hope recognition of his genius grows as more and more people are introduced to these superb paintings† (Traditional Fine Art Online Inc, Para. 6). During the popular Mesueum of Fine Arts event, Heade’s favourite hummingbirds painting was revisited. It was recounted that even if he never managed to secure the two hundred subscriptions needed to print his expensive book, which was never printed anyway, he produced four hummingbird chromolithographs for the book and could at the time be viewed in Boston as well as the sixteen paintings that were intended for the gems of Brazil from the Manoogian collection (Traditional Fine Art Online Inc, Para. 7). Earlier on in 1955, a historian and the then director of Macbeth gallery Robert Mclntyre had donated some work done by Heade to the Archives of American Art. Such included his sketch book, notebooks as well as letters and correspondeces between him and his close friend and associate Fredric Edwin Church between the year 1866 and 1899. In addition, they included a detailed notebook about hummingbirds that is handwritten as well as a circa dated in the range between 1853 to 1877. The scattred papers measure 0. 3 linear feet and date between 1853 and 1904. In the year 2007, the above were completely digitized to enhance archiving and are now avilable online as the Martin Johnson Heade Papers Online. They had first received a preliminary level of processing immediately after donation before being microfilmed in the same order that they were donated. The notebook and the sketchbook being the first ones to have been donated were therefore proffesionally conserved in the year 2004. Another area that is seen to have captured Heade’s passion is still lifes of southern flowers especially the magnolia blossoms laid on velevet. This was an advancement of an interest that he had since the 1860’s. In his earlier work in this genre, he had done flowers keenly arranged in an ormate flower vase and placed either on small or a large table, but covered with a mere cloth as opposed to velvet. At the time, he was the first and the only american artist who could create such an extensive body of work either in still lifes or in landscape and environment. In 2004, Heade was again recognized and honored with an outstanding stamp from the United States Postal Servive featuring a piece of his 1890 oil-on-canvas painting otherwise called Giant magnolias on a blue Velvet cloth. There were few artists who emulated head in the 20th century owing to the fact that he was unpopular at the time. However his work and art has been duplicated and forged by many especially in the 20th and 21st century. Such is attributed to the way his work has continued to turn up in garage sales as well as other unlikely places as opposed to works by other artists such as his friend Fredric Edward Church or ohn Kensett.. The popularity of his work can be attributed to the way he related with middle class buyers, his outstanding passion and effort put in as depicted in his various trips and his willigness to distribute his work all the country. Though unknown to him even at the end of his life, Martin johnson Heade was one of the most outstanding artist that ever existed on the face of earth. His passion in what was then an unpopular venture tells it all. His keen interpretation and approach towards the light and the environmet at large, his representation of the same on his paintings as well as his vigor and dedication to distribute his work, all leave no doubt that he did what he loved and in return loved what he did. His work does not only reveal what is unobvious to many but also unearths what is sincerely unknown and his spirit therefore continues to live moreso through his elegant work. Martin Johnson Heade is no doubt a legend whose life deserves recognition by and over generations while his work continues to demand respect over centuries. Works Cited: Hollis Taggart Galleries. â€Å"Hollis Taggart Gallaries. † 2007. 26 May 2010 . Mappen, Marc and Maxine N Lurie. Encyclopedia of New Jersey. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2004. Traditional Fine Art Online Inc. â€Å"Meseum of Fine Arts Boston. † 29 September 1999. www. mfa. org. 26 May 2010 .

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Selective Reasoning

When the simulation was first assigned, I really had no idea what to expect. I assumed that my group members and I would be creating various written documents, which was clearly not the case. After selecting a group composed mainly of my close friends, we began to read through the various materials given to us to help us successfully complete the simulation. After watching a few of the videos from our customers and reading the given document about Minnesota Mircromotors, we began the simulation.Before the simulation started our group decided that we wanted to put customer atisfaction as our top priority, over market share and profit. After our first quarter, we began to panic because every satisfaction arrow was in the red. Immediately we made changes to everything we did before, restoring us back to equilibrium in the second quarter. From there on out, the simulation ran a lot more smoothly. In our first attempt at the simulation, we played around with the price of the product a lot , trying to keep it lower for Customer D, while also sometimes bringing it up to help increase profits.By the time I took the simulation individually, I realized that playing with the price was a waste of time. What I found best was to keep the price at $142 or $143, ignoring was Customer D wanted. I found over time the discounts to be much more important. We as well as l, always gave Customer D the largest discount, followed by Customer A, Customer B, and finally Customer C. This gave us the highest customer satisfaction while keeping the price relatively the same. For the distributor discount, we kept it relatively constant throughout, but increased it towards the end in order to keep the customers happy.For the sales force emphasis pie chart, we tried a lot of different methods to try nd get the best result. The first few times through the simulation we focused our attention on Customer A and C over B and D. This worked throughout fairly well, but wasn't ultimately the best solut ion. During my last individual attempt, I completely cut out customer D, while giving half of my attention to Customer. Roughly the remaining half was split between A and B, but it fluctuated a little throughout the simulation. This confguration of the pie chart ended with me getting a much larger score than previous attempts.During the group simulations, we put a lot of time into figuring out the best way to plit up spending on large/small customers, as well as retaining those same customers. We argued a lot about which should get more emphasis and which did not. I found that no matter what I did, that the small customers seemed to always be very satisfied. Because of this, what I found to work best was to keep both spending and retaining large customers Just slightly about the small. I kept this relatively simulation, and gave me the best score in the end.Sales force was another aspect of the simulation our group argued a lot about. Half the group thought the sales force was very important, while the other half hought it would be better to use that money in order to enhance our physical product. What I found that worked the best was to leave the sales force at 1 1, but if I really thought it was necessary to get rid of them then to Just do it for one quarter. I noticed that each time I dropped a few for a quarter that my total budget would sometimes increase by $100,000.For that reason alone I did this several times in order to have as large a budget as possible. During the group stages my budget only got up to $800,000, which we thought was very good. When I took the simulation individually I got the budget to increase to $1. million. I feel that managing my sales force correctly played a key role in obtaining more total budget. The first time we took the simulation, we tried getting rid of market research for the very last quarter. This ended terribly for us and caused us to lose a customer satisfaction star from every customer.From then on out I left mark et research at the required $50,000 Just to stay safe. One of the most important parts of the game I found was spending on IMC. After the first quarter as a group, when we did very poorly, we found that putting money into IMC was the best way to increase our profit nd market share. What I found that worked best regarding IMC, was to basically put all additional budget into it. Almost every quarter I did this, my profits would continue to rise. When I did the simulation individually, every time I gained more money in my total budget that money would address IMC first.IMC was definitely the key to the game for me. The single most argued part of the simulation for our group was the distribution of money in Power-To-Size Ratio, Manufacturing, and Thermal Resistance. At first it seemed that no matter what we did as a group some customer would complain about something. No customer complained more than Customer B complaining about wanting more thermal. Our group found ourselves always argu ing over how much money to put into which of the three categories. We never really did a great Job doing so because there was always an unhappy customer.What I found to be the best method was based on sure luck. I really wanted to take some relatively large risks in my last attempt at the individual simulation so I cut out Manufacturing Efficiency Improvement entirely. After two quarters of making a huge profit, I kept that up until the end. This gave me more money to put into important things like IMC, Power-To- Size Ratio, and Thermal Resistance. This kept the customers satisfied for the most part. After being the CEO of Minnesota Micromotors, I found that my ideals before I started the simulation were a lot different from how I feel now.Before the simulation started, our group really wanted to focus on customer satisfaction. For the most part we kept the customers very satisfied and satisfied. I now feel that market share and profit are what were the best ways of achieving a high score. With high profit and market share I was given more budget to work with. This trend kept accumulating ntil both profit and market share were higher than during the first couple simulations. The difference was that my customer satisfaction for my final simulation scores of 55, 60, and 60.My final score was a 75. Taking risks was something I wasn't too fond of at the beginning of the simulation. I thought being conservative was definitely the way to go. Because of this I was really conservative at the beginning with my group, as well as myself. I did the best when I took some risks. I am really glad I took a chance in my last simulation because then I really grasped the fact that sometimes you have to focus on the customers that help ou the most instead of focusing on pleasing all of the customers.Overall, I am really glad we got he opportunity to participate in the simulation. We really got a hands on experience of what we learned in class. I'm glad we got to apply our knowled ge, and I believe I learned a lot from doing the simulation. Although I did a lot better individually, it was very helpful to work in a group at first. We did fairly well compared to the rest of the class, and work as a team really helped with that. I would recommend this simulation to any marketing student because it is exactly how I picture the real world working.

Drug Prevention Program

Business Concept Proposal| Drug Prevention Program For| Executive summary This report is a business concept proposal that will help us develop a business plan for our organization which is NBK and that eventually will benefit them. The CSR project that we have chosen is a â€Å"Drug Prevention Program† that will benefit both NBK and society.In this proposal we first gave a small introduction about the company and what other CSRs the company is doing and then we included our aim and purpose of this project which is to increase the awareness level about this problem and provide some possible solutions and also to break all the cultural and society barriers about this specific issue. Then we went on our 4 SMART objectives which are what exactly we are aiming to achieve by the end of the project.In order for us to analysis the market for our proposal we did a Macro and Micro analysis that will help us determine what is our strength and weakness points and what could be the opportu nities and threats that we are facing. Another important part of this proposal is the financial projections. We did an estimated budget including profit and loss account and cash flow. After that we mentioned the requirements considered to ensure our project can be implemented like the logistical and operational requirements and how this may impact on the success of our project.In the viability part we showed our costs and benefit to the organization and its return on investment. Last but not least we talked about the competitive and economic viability on how the different activities that we do will mark us as a strong competitor in the business and on an economic perspective this project is going to benefit the economy as it will provide new jobs for Kuwaiti people and even give them the opportunity to work at NBK. Introduction National Bank of Kuwait is holding an event called â€Å"Drugs Prevention program†. This program is nonprofit event.This event is setup to spread awa reness and take an actual action to people on drugs; or people that doesn’t know about drugs. Many people don’t release how it’s dangerous, serious issue and can cause death. Drug prevention program is will be arrange to give advices and nonprofit rehabs that can be beneficial for drug addicts. Those rehabs will be very helpful to the addicts we as the drug prevention program organizers will provides brochures with full details and contact information. Why we chose NBK? NBK is the oldest bank in Kuwait and it has a very good reputation.Also it has been through a lot of CSR events in various sectors. The campaigns NBK did are Support of National Labor is our first priority, environmental initiative, health care initiative, sport initiative and contributions, education initiative, social care and philanthropic initiative, and conferences and seminars. The activities lies under the support of National Labor are NBK Academy, which intensive training for fresh gradua te that joined the bank and High flier’s leadership program; this program is to develop future leaders.As for environmental initiatives activities are hand-in-hand to preserve our beaches, this campaign launch to clean the beaches of Kuwait and Put your energy into saving energy NBK commenced its energy saving awareness campaign: ‘Put your energy into saving energy’, with staff and summer interns from NBK giving away more than 10,000 long life energy-saving light bulbs at the Avenues Mall. Health care initiative campaigns are breast cancer awareness give discounts for female employees to have a checkups and lectures and seminars for awareness and blood donation; many NBK employees donated blood for the blood hospital in Kuwait.Sport initiative and contribution NBK organized walkathon to encourage people to have a better health and lifestyle. Whereas for education initiative; NBK has hosted high schools and universities to learn day to day operations. Social and p hilanthropic initiative events done by NBK are Do Good Deeds in Ramdan this campaign offer free ftr banquets and Somalia famine relief campaign was launched to donate money. The last but not least the conferences and seminars which were set to increase awareness about currents issue in the society.One of the seminars was on the Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on the Region; which discussed the international outlook. Aim of the project The aim of this project â€Å"Drug Prevention Program† is to benefit the society and this fits in with NBK's mission statement, which is to serve the national needs as a priority. This program will be good for the society as it will increase the awareness level by defining the problem, which is drug usage and then it introduces society to the ways they or the people they know can prevent it and help them find possible solutions and lead them to the right places where they can find treatments.After we make sure people have enough knowledge to prevent this problem, we can expect drug usage to decrease, because they have been introduced to this problem and know all the negatives effects drugs have on the human body. There are a lot of controversial issues in our society and drugs is one of them, so it is very important to bring this topic up to the public and let them know that there is no shame for a drug abuser to admit that they have a problem and that they need to seek therapy.There are also a lot of cultural and traditional barriers that could affect the processing of this program, so our goal is to breach and break all these barriers and expose a problem that is considered as a â€Å"Taboo† topic. It is essential to make a step now, because as we all see, it is a growing issue and the accessibility for drugs is really easy nowadays, that is why our society needs to open up their minds to these kind of problems or else it will affect our future generations. Key ObjectivesSetting objectives is really importa nt for any organization or a project because it will let us know what we are trying to achieve and it will increase our chances of success. Our objectives will deliver major benefits to this program and the most important one that it will define the purpose of this project. We set for our project 4 different objectives for our program (Operational, Marketing, Financial and CSR) and they are all SMART objectives. * Operational Objective: Conduct a seminar every two week in a different location each time while having diverse guest speakers in each location. Marketing Objective: To increase awareness and publicity of the program through sponsored events and media notifications by 20% within the next 3 months. * Financial Objective: To increase customer base of the firm by 7% by the end of the program as a result of the program's positive effect on society. * CSR Objective: Increase community welfare by decreasing level of society's drug administration 15% by the end of program. Having these objectives is like a powerful tool that will help us succeed and it will keep our team motivated and seeks more accomplishments. Feasibility Analysis MacroBefore venturing into a new project, it is important to assess the external environment of a business and what possible impacts can affect the project. The threats and opportunities are external factors that guide a project towards taking certain decisions over others. Social factors: Kuwait, as compared to the rest of the world, receives a generally higher average income. This shows that the majority of the population in Kuwait is on the higher side of the income range. Within the lifestyle changes are the increasing popularity of social media and its different usages within societies.It is a powerful tool to reach as many people within society as possible. Social trends in Kuwait can affect the way people look at the Drug Prevention Program (DPP). Since drug abuse is a taboo topic, tackling it publicly would face some kind of hesitance by the public. Ensuring that local positive public figures as a part of our program would change the attitudes of people in Kuwait. It would garner more publicity and receive more entrants within the program. Technological factors: The increasing usage of technology in these times means more coverage for the DPP.People surfing the net, using social media and/or browsing through the various forms of technologies can find (or be exposed to) items and events that are happening around them and more information about each finding. In order to reach a bigger range of people, the program needs to be technologically updated in terms of websites, social media and pop-up ads if necessary. Technology must also be used to enhance the quality of whatever is being presented and also to improve the organization and efficiency of what is being accomplished.There is no firm, program or organization deemed to be successful without the usage of thorough technology. The marketplace for wh atever that needs to be launched today needs strict technological requirements that need to be met so that it can connect to a wider audience. Environmental factors: There are many factors that influence industries and the industries affected by environmental factors (weather and climate changes) include tourism, agriculture and economic industries. However, there should not be much stress on what environmental aspects can affect the DPP because its nature is not affected by climate changes.As long as there will not be any significant hazard, the environmental factors can be considered as off the radar for this type of DPP. Economic factors: An economy affects the way a society behave and it obviously alternate their decisions depending upon how high or low it is. If the local economy has resulted in higher interest rates, this will mean that firms will be less likely to invest in what might seem like an unpredictable gamble. This DPP needs sponsorship and is based on fund-raiser ev ents to continue the progress of the program, and not much participation will happen if the economic times are low.Another factor of economy is the strength of the currency. Kuwait has a very strong currency and its affects import/export activities, but that will not be an issue because the program does not need much of these activities. If inflation occurs, staff will need higher salaries and this will affect the planned budget. The salaries need to be raised so that the staff can be satisfied when being compared to other raised salaries within the fields and industries. Political factors: When political factors are mentioned, one automatically thinks of the laws and regulations that restrict an action or a project from fully taking shape.Since drug abuse is a taboo topic, there are bound to be limits to what can be done through the project. The law in Kuwait prohibits the live showcase of drugs and substances that can be abused. This can somewhat hinder our performance because it will limit what the group can show a live audience to enlighten them on what needs to be stayed away from. If guest speakers in the form of previous users need to be brought in to enlighten the participants, there will be restrictions due to the law not allowing prisoners to exit their cells and talk about experiences only once their period is over.This means that only ex-abusers who have finished their trials and prison time can enlighten the participants, the newly caught addicts will not be able to. It must be noted that the DPP will not focus much on current abusers who were caught abusing rather than those who willingly wanted to quit drug and substance abuse. Before continuing further with this project, legal framework needs to be conducted so that the project is validated and under the microscopic view of the government ensuring that no illegal limits are surpassed. Legal factors:Laws banning against age and race discrimination will not affect the DPP heavily as the participa tion has no kind of restriction whatsoever. A participant does not even have to be an abuser, or even in contact with one. Since the jobs offered to the staff will not be permanent, there will not be a minimum wage assigned to what the individual salary amount is. There is a law in Kuwait that states: any Kuwaiti national working in the private sector will receive a fixed amount each month as an addition to what a firm is handing over as a salary.This law will not be applied to the DPP because the vacant jobs offered are not permanent positions; it is only in the duration of the events that the assigned staff will be a part of the program. Permission needs to be granted from the governmental censors to give the program the green light to go ahead with the project. After permission has been granted, the banquet hall owners need to be aware of the purpose and activities of the DPP. Macro SWOT Analysis Strengths: * Controversial * Good Cause * Society’s Benefit Weaknesses: * No monetary ROI Costly * Taboo Opportunities: * Program Expansion * Rehab Formation * Brand Image Threats: * Public Decline * Influential Competition * Insufficient funding to continue This drug prevention program has strengths and weakness. The strengths are it controversial many people might disagree to expose the idea or issue; which is currently available and increasing radically. The good cause is that it spreading awareness and leading drug addicts to the right direction. This will benefit the society by having a better living and health.The weakness are that there aren’t monetary ROI; zero profit and it cost a lot there will be a loss in return because this campaign is setup to have better youth to have better society. Its taboo because people in the Arab region see it as shame and don’t attempt that it exists. There are many opportunities for the program; which are to expand the program and format a rehab and boost brand image. The threats are the public decline w hich is the society not accepting the idea. Influential competition is another threat which other companies or banks can launch a campaign similar to ours.The last threat is the insufficient funding; not having enough money or if NBK stops funding us. NBK's CSR programs are successful due to the reason that it encompasses as many fields as it can possibly be a positive addition to. The strengths are the variety of areas that NBK is participating in to achieve and maintain an improved society. It has a diverse selection of activities: social, educational, philanthropic, sports-related and more. NBK has built a positive reputation for itself as a pioneer in merging its daily activities along with CSR activities for the improvement of society.Currently, a weakness is that NBK is not a part of any project or program that supports the fight against drug and substance abuse. The DPP is the right step and opportunity to turn this weakness into strength. Another weakness for the CSR of NBK is that it does not necessarily include the entire society. Without this program, people into drug and substance abuse are sidelined and not given any help or guidance. The opportunities resulting from external factors are that NBK can further push its CSR boundaries and continue in pursuing other untapped fields that need to be brought to the general public's eye.NBK releases a CSR annual report that showcases their social responsibilities towards society. It lists what NBK has done the previous year in terms of initiatives and activities. This shows how the private sectors in Kuwait are competing to be the best CSR champions with the most good done to society. This benefits the society more than it benefits the firms competing to help and improve. An opportunity in the form of program continual rises due to the strong need for initiatives upping society's standards. The next phase of the project can be adopted by NBK's rival if the program proves to be a success.Drug and substance abuse is a taboo topic in Kuwait even today. Not wholeheartedly knowing what the general public's reaction is means that a threat is opposing the DPP. There are bound to be people who do not want to associate themselves with taboo topics such as drugs which mean that there will be some kind of a decline from a section of the public. It is vital to assess how the threats and weaknesses fare against the strengths and opportunities of this program. Financial Projections Cash flow| |   | Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| | | | | |   | Net profit| | | 105,050 | 105,050 | 105,050 |Depreciation| | | 105,050 | 105,050 | 105,050 | Office Rent| | | 2,100 | 2,100 | 2,100 | Media costs| | | 93,500 | 93,500 | 93,500 | Staff| | | 11,000 | 11,000 | 11,000 | Transportation| | | 200 | 200 | 200 | Cash profits| | | 0 | 0 | 0 | Increase in CA| | | n/a| n/a| n/a| Net cash from operating activities| | | 0 | 0 | 0 | Renovations| | | 0 | 0 | 0 | change in FA| | | (850,000)|   |   | Net cash after investing activities| | | (850,000)| 0 | 0 | Capital induction| | | 105,050 | 0 | 0 | change in advance rentals| | | 6,300 | (417,600)| (104,400)| Net increase in cash| | | (738,650)| (417,600)| (104,400)| | | | | |   |Opening cash balance| | | 0 | (738,650)| (1,156,250)| Closing cash balance| | | (738,650)| (1,156,250)| (1,260,650)| | | | | | | | | | (745,350)| (1,281,750)| (1,831,890)| | | | | | | Net Profit| |   | 26,933 | 479,733 | 493,473 | Inv Capital|   | | 0| 0| 0| ROI|   | | #DIV/0! | #DIV/0! | #DIV/0! | | | | | | | Net cashflow from operations| | | 26,933 | 479,733 | 493,473 |   | | | | | | | | | | | | Requirements In order for the project to be implemented, there are a few requirements that need to be taken in to consideration. To further promote this program, it has been decided that seminars will be held at different schools and universities.To proceed with this we will need knowledgeable staff or speakers, and/or former addicts to speak at these seminars. Another requ irement would be setting up booths and banners in Avenues, Marina Mall, and 360. Also for spreading the word about this program in less expensive way we will be designing different brochures and handing them out at the seminars and booths. Some of the other activities that will be done are fundraisers and getting different sponsorship’s to boost the program. For this to be done operationally speaking we will need sufficient staff to arry out the tasks and/or guest speakers, money for printing and equipment, vehicles, and having meetings and presentations. The staff will need to be able to design the brochures and banners, set up booths, and be knowledgeable about the program to deliver the message in meetings and presentations. Like most projects money is a key factor to get the job done. We will need money for gas, staff, printing, and other equipment. Technically the program is going to require computers for emailing and organizing with school officials and NBK members also to stay financially organized with sufficient data.For this program to run smoothly we must also focus on logistics. Organization and planning are a must for determining which schools or universities and which dates are the most appropriate and effective. As mentioned earlier the three malls were chosen for the banners and booths, because they are the most popular and seem to be the most effective for reaching the target audience. Some good locations for the seminars could be reception halls and popular locations that can be rented, for the presentations and meetings on the other the NBK meeting room seems to be most suitable for our program.Viability In terms of Return on Investment Viability, our project will not be gaining any monetary returns directly since it is a non-profit program. For the ROI formula we will calculate zero (no profit) divided by 105,050 (for one year) which will be equal to zero percent financial gain. The total investment required is 315,150 for the three years of the program. Our ROI for the first year will be zero. Competitive Viability Like any project, the Drug program will need to be viable and sustainable with regards to competition.This means that our program can survive long-term and eventually gain profit while competing with similar programs in Kuwait. In Kuwait however, there is already some competition. One major competitor is the National Anti-Drug Committee. This committee was founded in 1989, and their main goals are similar to our program’s goals, which are to focus on the youth and the protection of the health of society. Also similar to our goals is the fact that they are trying to introduce some awareness amongst the education fields. Although there is some competition already in the market, we believe that program can become more competitive nce introduced, because we will be working with NBK which is a very popular bank, especially among the youth. The National Anti-Drug Committee is not well known in Kuwa it, yet has been around for many years. Although this is true about the National Anti-Drug Committee, our program will still have a competitive advantage working with NBK. Also we are going to be introducing many guest speakers at different seminars through different schools. We will be bringing people who have abused drugs and overcame these issues, which will have a great impact on people in a society like Kuwait.Another thing that our program is going to offer is setting up different fundraisers throughout Kuwait to raise awareness about the serious nature of drug abuse. These different activities that our project will be conducting will give our company and program a more competitive edge in the market. Economic Viability In order for our drug program to be viable economically, it will need to create different job opportunities and possibly attract people to work at NBK. This program is an extremely controversial activity in a society like Kuwait where the issue of drugs and dru g abuse is a taboo subject.By confronting the matter and showing people how serious and spread out this problem is in Kuwait already, we can show people that NBK cares about this and is not afraid to be associated with fighting it. The project for NBK will require staff and/or volunteers. This will create job openings for anyone interested. It may even attract people to work for NBK, because it shows that they care about and are giving back to society. This further promotes NBK’s vision to benefit the society where they function. References * Fattahova, N. (2012). Awareness campaign to prevent drug abuse . ttp://news. kuwaittimes. net/2012/08/22/awareness-campaign-to-prevent-drug-abuse/. Last accessed 11th Nov 2012. * Kuwait. nbk. (2012). About NBK. http://www. kuwait. nbk. com/about/disclosures/default_en_gb. aspx. Last accessed 10th Nov 2012. * Murray, J. (2012). Viability (of a business). http://biztaxlaw. about. com/od/glossaryv/g/viability. htm. Last accessed 9th Nov 201 2. * Vyakarnam, S . Writing a business plan, clarification and preparation – the market approach. http://https://docs. google. com/viewer/. Last accessed 14th Nov 2012 AppendixCashflow| |   | Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| | | | | |   | Net profit| | | 105,050 | 105,050 | 105,050 | Depreciation| | | 105,050 | 105,050 | 105,050 | Office Rent| | | 2,100 | 2,100 | 2,100 | Media costs| | | 93,500 | 93,500 | 93,500 | Staff| | | 11,000 | 11,000 | 11,000 | Transportation| | | 200 | 200 | 200 | Cash profits| | | 0 | 0 | 0 | Increasein CA| | | n/a| n/a| n/a| Net cash from operating activities| | | 0 | 0 | 0 | Renovations| | | 0 | 0 | 0 | change in FA| | | (850,000)|   |   | Net cash after investing activities| | | (850,000)| 0 | 0 | Capital induction| | | 105,050 | 0 | 0 | hange in advance rentals| | | 6,300 | (417,600)| (104,400)| Net increase in cash| | | (738,650)| (417,600)| (104,400)| | | | | |   | Opening cash balance| | | 0 | (738,650)| (1,156,250)| Closing cash balance| | | (738,650)| (1,156,250)| (1,260,650)| | | | | | | | | | (745,350)| (1,281,750)| (1,831,890)| | | | | | | Net Profit| |   | 26,933 | 479,733 | 493,473 | Inv Capital|   | | 0| 0| 0| ROI|   | | #DIV/0! | #DIV/0! | #DIV/0! | | | | | | | Net cashflow from operations| | | 26,933 | 479,733 | 493,473 |   | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ROI Calculation Amount of Financial Gain Total Investment Amount 0 0 105. 050