Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Assignment - Essay Example In the light of the concepts mentioned above, this report will aim at analysing the different approaches to organisational design as well as organisational effectiveness in order to evaluate why most managers find rational approaches to organisations and organising appealing. Corporate strategy is among the important factors that affect organisational design; however, numerous other contingencies such as â€Å"environment, size and life-cycle, technology, and organisational culture† are found to be influencing organisational design. In order to manifest effectiveness, an organisation should be â€Å"designed to fit the contingency factors† (Daft, 2009, pp.73). This has been depicted in the form of the figure appended below. Organisational effectiveness is one of the major objectives of organisational design and efficient organisations have a tendency to generate growing amounts of riches to be shared out among employees, management, and the society as opposed to the fact that such organisations are relatively more occupied with their internal functioning in comparison to effective organisations. One of the major challenges faced by organisational evaluation is to find out the most practicable methods for differentiating between ineffective and effective organisations. Hence, managers should design the companies that they lead, taking into consideration the fact that this is predominantly a creative endeavour. It has been said that â€Å"by far the predominant view of how decisions ought to be made is the rational approach†, and Mintzberg et al. (1976) have summarised the stages associated with it as recognition, diagnosis, search, design, evaluation, choice, authorisation and implementation (Butler, 1991, pp.43). It has been theorised that â€Å"rationality as applied to organisations considered the actions of the

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